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  • Mesambria
  • Nesebar
  • Mesambria



    • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

      MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

      ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

      AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

    • AIAC_logo logo

    Summary (English)

    • ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXPLORATIONS IN MESAMBRIA (Anelia Bozhkova –, Petya Kiyashkina, Metodi Daskalov, Todor Marvakov, Katya Trendafilova) The explorations in Sector A continued on an area of c. 200 sq. m. Two inhumation graves and a ritual pit containing Thracian sherds and materials from the second phase of the Early Iron Age (8th – 7th centuries BC) were discovered. Destructions of two buildings constructed of sun-dried bricks with basements, dated to the first half of the 5th century BC, were explored. Sherds from amphorae, Attic painted and black-gloss pottery, terracotta figurines and Corinthian pottery (exaleiptra, kalathiskoi and kotylai) were found in the remains of the buildings. The Hellenistic house, which had been explored in 2006, has a plinth of stones and walls built of bricks. Sherds of black-gloss pottery, kitchen pottery, amphorae, etc. were found in the basement of the house. According to the finds, the destruction of the house dates to the beginning of the 3rd century BC. The Early Byzantine building, located in 2006, was entirely explored. Its walls are built of stones, reused bricks and tiles with a bonding medium of mud. A stratum with Early Byzantine materials was registered outside the building. According to two minima minted by Emperor Leo I the Thracian (AD 457 – 474) and a follis minted by Emperor Tiberius II Constantine (AD 578 – 582), the building and the stratum date in the second half of the 5th – 6th centuries AD. The Early Byzantine kiln for building ceramics was entirely explored. It is preserved up to 1.70 m in height and is 3.80 – 3.90 m in diameter. Four Christian graves were explored in the necropolis of the 7th century AD and the total number of the graves reached 25. The graves are arranged in two rows oriented northwest – southeast. There were child burials between the graves of the adults. The funerary constructions were burial pits, burial pits encircled with stones and stone-built burial chambers. Four mediaeval Christian graves from another necropolis and 10 midden pits were explored. They contained pottery, including sgraffito, tiles and coins of the 12th – beginning of the 14th centuries.


    • Anelia Bozhkova - Archaeological Institute with Museum
    • Katya Trendafilova - Archaeological Institute with Museum
    • Metodi Daskalov - Archaeological Institute with Museum
    • Petya Kiyashkina - ‘Old Nesebar’ Museum
    • Todor Marvakov - ‘Old Nesebar’ Museum


    Research Body

    • Archaeological Institute with Museum
    • ‘Old Nesebar’ Museum

    Funding Body


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