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  • Augusta Traiana - Square 65B
  • Stara Zagora
  • Augusta Traiana, Vereya



    • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

      MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

      ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

      AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

    • AIAC_logo logo

    Summary (English)

    • EXPLORATIONS IN AUGUSTA TRAIANAVEREYA (Maria Kamisheva – The site was situated in the northern part of Augusta Traiana. A building with three construction periods was explored. The building consisting of several rooms was built during the 2nd century AD. Its walls were 60 – 65 cm wide. Probably, the building had columns with capitals, since a capital with acanthus leaves from a pillar of the 2nd century AD was reused after the 7th century AD. The building was destroyed after the middle of the 3rd century AD and the terrain was leveled. A new building, 23.05 m long, was constructed in the middle of the 4th century AD. Its walls were built of uneven stones bonded with mortar and were 60 – 63 cm wide. There was a pool, 2.55 m by 1.65 m in size, situated in the southeastern corner of the building. Its bottom was paved with bricks, 34 cm by 34 cm in size. There were small pillars inside the pool, which probably supported some seats. There were two living rooms in the building. The entrance of the western room was oriented to the south and was 1.20 m wide. The floor was paved with multicolor mosaics consisting of bands and rectangular/square panels. The first band consisted of yellow tesserae with incorporated crosses of black and white tesserae. The next band consisted of twisted line of red, pink, white, grey, black and yellow tesserae. The third inner band consisted of a braid of black, red, grey and yellow tesserae. There were several panels inside the bands. The eastern panel incorporated a circular braid. Probably, the floor of the eastern room was also paved with mosaics. There was a sunken-floored storage room in the western part of the building. The building was destroyed in the beginning of the 7th century AD. A layer of charcoal, ash and burned timber beams was documented. After the demolition, the building was restored and the room with the mosaics was eliminated, while the neighboring room was paved with bricks. New walls were constructed over the destroyed ones. Two reused Attic bases of Roman Ionic columns were discovered. Pottery of the 9th and the 12th – 13th centuries was found on the site.

    • Maria Kamisheva - Regional Museum of History – Stara Zagora 



    Research Body

    • Regional Museum of History – Stara Zagora

    Funding Body


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