Summary (English)
In August 2011 the 7th excavation campaign at the Roman villa of Aiano-Torraccia di Chiusi at San Gimignano was concluded. The Italo-Belgian excavations in the area, begun in 2005, have revealed the well-preserved remains of a villa longiqua, probably built at the beginning of the 4th century A.D., and in use until the beginning of the 7th century. The long occupation period saw numerous alterations to the structure, which also affected the archaeological deposit. The villa was probably made up of a series of pavilions, of which over 2000 m2 have been investigated during seven years of excavations. The present research concentrated on an important part of the structure, characterised, in the years before the last quarter of the 4th century A.D., by the Tri-lobed hall – Ambulatio complex, which had undergone restructuring.
In particular, this campaign investigated the area north of the complex. In fact, here, already during the 5th and 6th campaigns, rooms were identified (room Q and room U) which presented useful elements for the understanding of the chronology of the planimetric and architectural development. Above all, in the absence of material that could provide an absolute chronology, the stratigraphical investigation of the area west of room Q made it possible to identify the relationships between all the rooms in this complex, in a precise stratigraphic sequence. A new room was identified, communicating with room Q and symmetrical with it. This confirmed that they were later in date than the Tri – lobed hall – Ambulatio complex and room U. The discovery of a burial in the north-western corner of the room was of great interest. The skeleton was perfectly articulated and without grave goods or personal ornament. The stratigraphy showed that the burial post-dated the structure’s abandonment.
Room U and the so-called room V facing it, already previously investigated, showed a somewhat complex arrangement. This comprised a large hall (room U), over 20 m long (total length still to be defined) and 8 m wide, with three pillars at the centre and a large opening on the eastern side providing access to an open area (so-called room V). Four square pillars, which had been altered over time, stood in this area. The layout of these structures and the stratigraphy suggests that this may have been a portico relating to room U or a more structured complex (another pavilion?) developing to the north, hypotheses which will have to be verified during the coming excavation campaigns.
- Marco Cavalieri - Universitè Catholique de Louvain, Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres, Département d’Archéologie et d’Histoire de l’Art 
- Charles Bossu - Université de Liège (ULg)
- Alessandro Novellini - Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici, Università degli Studi di Milano
- Enrica Boldrini - Università degli Studi di Firenze
- Gabriele Mainardi Valcarenghi - Centro di GeoTecnologie Università degli Studi di Siena
- Giacomo Baldini - Museo archeologico “Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli” di Colle di Val d’Elsa
- Nadia Montevecchi - DEDALO s.a.s. Firenze
- Sofia Ragazzini - Associazione Archeologica Sangimignanese
- Chiara Corbino
- Emma Cantisani - Università degli Studi di Firenze
- Carlo Alberto Garzonio - (DIRES) Università di Firenze
- Marta Mariotti - Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale – Università degli Studi di Firenze
- Agnese Lodi
Research Body
- Università degli Studi Di Firenze, Dipartimento di Studi Storici e Geografici, Cattedra di Archeologia Medievale
- Universitè Catholique de Louvain (UCL)
Funding Body
- Concessionaria FIAT Frentauto S.r.l.
- Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena (MPS)
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