- No period data has been added yet
- Systematic sampling was undertaken inside the Grotta del Cavallo at Nardo for sedimentary and pollen analyses. The research aim was the reconstruction of the climate and environment relating to the grotto’s occupation phases in an arc of time between 100... Read More
- Systematic archaeological investigations were not planned for 2009, instead work concentrated on the maintenance of the area and the completion of the investigations aimed at the characterization of the areas involved in the supply of lithic raw materials.... Read More
- No excavations were planned for 2010. Maintenance work was carried out together with the completion of the investigations aimed at documenting the raw lithic materials, begun in previous years, and aimed at widening the survey areas given the interesting r... Read More
- The 2013 campaign looked at layer C, underlying the late Upper Paleolithic deposit (layer B) that was investigated during earlier excavations.
During his excavations in the 1960s, A. Palma de Cesnola described the layer as a level of volcanic sands wit
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- The 2013 campaign looked at layer C, underlying the late Upper Paleolithic deposit (layer B) that was investigated during earlier excavations.
- During the 2014 season, the excavations investigated the base of layer B (final Upper Paleolithic) and the underlying stratigraphic sequence, post-dating the known Uluzzian sequence, and its relationship with the levels investigated in 2013 and the sequenc... Read More
- Nella campagna di scavo 2016 l’indagine stratigrafica ha interessato una porzione residua dello strato B (Paleolitico superiore di facies romanelliana), contenente due sottostrutture (fosse) che rappresentano la continuità delle analoghe cavità già messe... Read More
- This season excavation took place at the top of layer B, revealing several anthropological levels relating to the transition between the Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic periods. Part of the campaign was dedicated the reclamation of the terrain removed be... Read More
- 15300 BC
- 11800 BC
- 8000 BC