Summary (English)
During the 2014 season, the excavations investigated the base of layer B (final Upper Paleolithic) and the underlying stratigraphic sequence, post-dating the known Uluzzian sequence, and its relationship with the levels investigated in 2013 and the sequence of layer C was established. Described by A. Palma di Cesnolla during his excavations in the 1960s as a level of volcanic sands with intrusions from the final Upper Palaeolithic, the 2013 and 2014 on the contrary showed that it was an articulated and ordered succession of anthropic horizons, some with patches of burning, and levels of almost sterile, reddened sands. A preliminary study of the collected materials dates them to the Upper Palaeolithic period.
- Lucia Sarti - Università degli Studi di Siena, Dipartimento di Scienze storiche e dei Beni culturali  
- Fabio Martini - Universita’ degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento Sagas
Research Body
- Dipartimento di Scienze storiche e dei beni culturali- Universita' di Siena
Funding Body
- Dipartimento di Storia, Geografia, Arte e Spettacolo Università degli Studi di Firenze
- Museo e Istituto Fiorentino di Preistoria- Firenze
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