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  • Casa del Granduca Michele, Regio VI.5.5
  • Pompei
  • Pompeii
  • Italy
  • Campania
  • Naples
  • Pompei



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

  • AIAC_logo logo

Summary (English)

  • This campaign concluded a project begun in 2003, which has documented the earliest phases of the house dating to the last decades of the 3rd century B.C. The eight excavation campaigns, twenty trenches opened inside the domus and another five in the roads along its sides, documented the building history of the house. An almost complete reconstruction was made of the plan and decorative scheme of the earliest phase.

    During this final campaign, four trenches were opened. They provided data relating to the structure of the house and the rebuilding which took place at the beginning of the 1st century B.C. This involved the insertion of a peristyle in the rear sector, to the detriment of the earlier colonnaded courtyard surrounded by a series of rooms.

    In the front sector, a trench clarified the relationship between the shop/workshop and the house in the earliest phase. In fact, in 2006, the existence of a space with a commercial function, active from the first period of the house, was recorded. It was established that it occupied a larger space with respect to the late Republican phase, also including the area later occupied by the stair well. Furthermore, in this phase the shop/workshop was accessed from both the atrium and the fauces.

    Another trench investigated the south-western quadrant of the atrium, characterised, in the earliest phase, by a beaten floor and I style painting, of which the yellow-painted footing was found in situ. In the south-western corner, a tile surface came to light which had been used for the working of compounds used for making cement mortar during the restructuring work.

    In the peristyle, work continued in the area where, in 2009 and 2010, the existence of a colonnaded courtyard was documented, built of waterproof opus signinum and also paved in the central sector. The southern side of the courtyard linked to a portico was exposed. Here, a plastered cement base, probably that of an altar, was uncovered.

    In the peristyle’s north-eastern corner, a window from the cellar occupying the space below the late Republican tablinium and triclinium was uncovered. These underground spaces were accessed by a staircase that was exposed during the 2010 excavations, in the north-eastern part of room 10. Traces of wall painting were present in the northern room of the cellar, perhaps part of a lararium.

    In the same area there was a room paved in opus signinum, with a slightly raised border around the sides, the same as that exposed in 2007 just to the west, the latter belonging to a larger room, interpreted as an anti-camera for a bathroom.

  • Dora D’Auria 


  • Fabrizio Pesando - Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale"


  • Biancamaria Medaglia - Università degli studi di Napoli “l’Orientale”
  • Carmen Gargiulo - Università degli studi di Napoli “l’Orientale”
  • Chiara Lombardi - Università degli studi di Napoli “l’Orientale”
  • David Eleuterio - Università di Porto
  • Erika Pladdet - Università degli studi di Napoli “l’Orientale”
  • Ivana Bocchino - Università degli studi di Napoli “l’Orientale”
  • Jessica Ranucci - Università degli studi di Napoli “l’Orientale”
  • Laura Boccacciari - Università degli studi di Napoli “l’Orientale”
  • Roberto Bottiglieri - Università degli studi di Napoli “l’Orientale”
  • Sabina Garcia Moreno
  • Viviana Civitella - Università degli studi di Napoli “l’Orientale”

Research Body

  • Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale"

Funding Body


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