Summary (English)
This small taberna was excavated in the 1860s, but was never thoroughly studied. The installation in the southwest corner was noticed by other scholars, but not documented or described. In the course of the twentieth century, it had mostly disappeared under sand, debris and vegetation.
In 2007, the area was cleaned by a team of the Radboud University Nijmegen, so that it was possible to establish its nature. With the discovery of three fulling stalls, two built-in amphorae for the storage of chemicals and a gutter of broken roof tiles in front of the stalls to discharge waste liquids directly to the street, identification of the shop as a fullonica, which was insecure, is now beyond doubt. This makes it possible to identify four stones embedded in the shop floor along the north wall as remains of the base of a fulling press.
- Miko Flohr - Radboud University Nijmegen 
- Jetske Tinnevelt
- Lian Verburg
- Lily Wedershoven
- Mandy van der Velden
- Suzanne van de Liefvoort
Research Body
- Radboud University Nijmegen
Funding Body
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