Summary (English)
In 2006, another season of excavation was carried on in the southern sector (Sector A), at the medieval monastery of Mesopotam. Trenches S. 1, S. 2, and S. 3, along with one of the embedded columns (Well 6) of the monastery, initially opened in 2004, were further expanded and entirely excavated during this season. The objective of this year’s excavation was to clearly understand the deposits exposed in the monastery and close to the surrounding walls.
The excavation undertaken in the outer side of the columns, reached the subsoil level, above which a deposit (016) of Late Roman and Hellenistic remains was found, while in the inner part, it was interrupted at the height of the base of the column, which consisted of a lime mortar foundatioin layer. Five stratigraphical sequences were defined in the inner part of the columns; while in the outer part the stratigraphy appeared the same as in the trenches excavated during 2005 including the discovery of three lenses within them.
Layers 001, 008, 018, and 024 contained the largest amount of ceramic remains discovered in this excavation, consisting mainly of fragments of cooking wares. Earthenware of “sandwich type”, mixed with large and tiny lime and quartz stones were uncovered. These types of wares are represented by one handled or handle-less pot, decorated with horizontal wavy lines. Also, other materials were revealed in these two layers, such as: bowls of glazed “RMS” type and “Taranto motifs”, graffita arcaica policroma, double dipped ware and maiolica; plates of “RMS” type and metallic ware pots; imported amphorae (perhaps from southern Italy) and cooking dishes. All the uncovered material date to the end of 13th and the beginning of 14th Centuries AD; this time corresponds to the construction of the church and the monastery itself (1272 – 1286).
A rubble layer found directly above the ceramics relates probably to the destruction of the monastery, at the 14th Century (1336 – 1343), corresponding with the destruction of two other churches found within the area, the church of Saint Johann (near Finiq) and that of Peshkëpi (Nivicë).
The activities following the destruction of the monastery are represented by double dipped pottery wares, which appear in large quantity during the 14th Century. While the material found in the deeper layers, contain ceramic of the Late Roman periods (amphorae fragments, tiles and various type of wares), indicating for the occupation of the site since this early times.
- Skёnder Muçaj - Insituti i Arkeologjisë Tiranë, Departamenti i Antikitetit të Vonë dhe Mesjetës së Hershme (Albanian Institute of Archaeology, Department of Late Antiquity and Early Medieval)
- Skёnder Bushi - Agjencia e Shërbimit Arkeologjik (Archaeological Service Agency)
- Suela Xhyheri
Research Body
- Instituti Arkeologjik Tiranë (Albanian Institute of Archaeology)
Funding Body
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