Summary (English)
Excavation continued in the three sites opened in previous years: the casale, the Church and Monastery, and Site D. At the casale, where last year the Cella/Coenatio complex in which the emperor and his guests dined, we completed the excavation of the modern courtyard, revealing an open court with a quadripartite basin lined in opus signinum, whose function is not yet evident. The lime kiln which occupied an apsidal room was removed, and the fills excavated to the level of the foundation offset: clearly any floor had been removed at the time of the creation of the kiln.
To the south of the casale a trench was opened to reveal the continuation of the imperial stair: the removal of topsoil and layers relating to the 19th- century garden revealed a series of postholes apparently dating to the 9th /10th century [was it so clear? Or was there just bits of early medieval material mixed in with stuff. I didn’t think that there was a definable context associated with early medieval occupation. Trenches within and north of the modern granary revealed further details of the plan of the complex.
At site D the 2006 trench was expanded to 25 × 25 m., showing much of the plan of what is certainly a barracks building flanking the paved road, with two lines of rooms measuring 10 × 12 RF, facing each other across a narrow alley, down which runs a drain. The rooms were paved in beaten earth and generally contained a hearth and traces of a single dolium. Whether the building was occupied by soldiers or workers is not yet clear.
At the monastery work continued in the cemetery to the west of the church, with over 200 tombs now excavated. The presence of an early narthex in front of the church was confirmed, and traces of its paving revealed. To the north of the church two phases of the 14ththe century lime kiln were removed: this lay to the west of the original wall of the monastery, and may date to the late middle ages. Inside the wall the cloister partially excavated in 2007 proved to be 17.5 wide, with corridors on the three sides now visible and a well towards the center that leads down to a cistern.
Numerous phases of post-monastic use of the cloister were revealed, including what appears to have been the stockpiling of veneers marble pavements, veneers and cornices of the Roman period.
- Elizabeth Fentress 
- Andrew Wallace Hadrill - The British School at Rome
- Sandra Gatti - Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Lazio
- Francesca Candilio - Sapienza Università di Roma
- Tarik Moujoud
- Caroline Goodson - Birkbeck, University of London
- Marco Maiuro - Università degli Studi di Trieste
- Ann Kuttner - Department of Art History, University of Pennsylvania
- Andrew Dufton - L - P : Archaeology
- Kevin Williams
- Ali Aït Kaci
- Andrea Di Miceli
- Corisande Fenwick - Stanford University
- Dirk Booms
- Janine Young - L - P : Archaeology
- Megan McNamee
- Monica Hellström
- Raffaele Laino
- Ryan Ricciardi
- Serena Privitera
Research Body
- Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica
- Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Lazio
- The British School at Rome
- University of Pennsylvania
Funding Body
- Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Anagni
- Comune di Anagni
- Provincia di Frosinone
- The 1984 Foundation
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