- S. Keay, L. Paroli, (edd.), 2009, Recent Archaeological Research at Portus. Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome, forthcoming.
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- S. Keay, M. Millett, L. Paroli, and K. Strutt, 2005, Portus. An Archaeological Survey of the Port of Imperial Rome, Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 15. London.
- S. Keay, M. Millett, K. Strutt, 2004, Portus Romae: recent suvey work at the ports of Claudius and Trajan, in A. Gallina Zevi-R. Turchetti (a cura di), Le Strutture dei Porti e degli Approdi Antichi. ANSER Anciennes Routes Maritimes Mediterraneennes, Catanzaro.
- S. Keay, 2001, Gateway to Rome, in British Archaeology 57: 20-23.
- S. Keay, M. Millett, L. Paroli and K. Strutt, 2005, Portus. An Archaeological Survey of the Port of Imperial Rome. Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 15. London, British School at Rome.
- S. Keay, G. Earl and F. Felici 2011, Excavations and Survey at the Palazzo Imperiale 2007-2009, in S. Keay, S. and Paroli, L. (2011) Portus and its Hinterland. Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 18: 68-91. London, British School at Rome.
- S. Keay, G. Earl, F. Felici, P. Copeland, R. Cascino, S. Kay, P. Copeland and C. Triantafillou, 2012, Interim Report on an enigmatic new Trajanic building at Portus. JRA 25: 484-512.