Summary (English)
The third and final season of excavations at Portus were undertaken for two weeks in the first half of July, and between the 26th August and the 23rd October. This involved the continuation of excavation on the western side of the side at the foot of the late antique walls, within the large building at the southern end of the site (Building 5), on the western side of the cistern block (Buildings 1 and 3) and on the western side of the path in the direction of the main body of the “Palazzo Imperiale.”
Overall an area of c. 3000 square metres has now been excavated with an international team of c 50 people, resulting in the identification of seven main periods of structural development along the eastern side of the “Palazzo Imperiale.” One of the highlights of the season included the discovery of the western side of the amphitheatre, which was found to be inscribed within a monumental hemicycle, a seriously of luxuriously appointed rooms lying immediately to the west which formed the eastern edge of a garden complex. The rooms generated large quantities of imported marble, including a very fine head, possibly representing Ulysses, and environmental material. Another was the discovery of the Claudian mole and an associated series of beach deposits.
In addition to the excavation, there was an intensive programme of Ground Penetrating Radar survey covering the whole of the “Palazzo Imperiale,” further environmental coring (with the Université de Lyon) and a first programme of helicopter-based infra-red photography of the whole of Portus and the Isola Sacra (with the University of Ghent).
- Simon Keay - University of Southampton 
- Graeme Earl - University of Southampton
- Lidia Paroli - Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici di Ostia
- Alice Bygraves - Royal Holloway
- Andrea De Santis - Università di Perugia
- Anthony Brown - University of Southampton
- Antonio Luciani - Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
- Arnau Fernandez Trullen - Institut Català d'Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC)
- Belinda Crerar - University of Cambridge
- Christina Triatafillou - University of Oxford
- Christopher Brown - University of Southampton
- Christopher Morgan - University of Southampton
- Dragana Mladenovic - University of Oxford
- Eleonora Gandolfi - University of Southampton
- Eleonora Gasparini
- Erin Young - University of Cambridge
- Evi Margaritis - University of Cambridge
- Ferreol Salomon - Université de Lyon
- Fiona Handley - University of Southampton
- Fran Smith - University of Cambridge
- Francesca Pajno - Parsifal
- Gareth Beale - University of Southampton
- Geert Verhoeven - Ghent University
- Geoff Avern - University of Southampton
- Gregory Tucker - The British School at Rome
- Hembo Pagi - University of Southampton
- Henriette Olsen - University of Southampton
- Ilaria Capparucci - Parsifal
- Ilaria Fani - Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
- Jean-Philippe Goiran - Université de Lyon
- Jessica Ogden - University of Southampton
- Joan Whittaker - University of Southampton
- Jude Jones - University of Southampton
- Julian Leyland - University of Southampton
- Leonie Pett - The British School at Rome
- Lieven Verdonck
- Lucile Delavault - Universities of Aix-Marseille
- Maria del Carmen Moreno Escobar - University of Southampton
- Mu-Chen Wu - University of Southampton
- Nathan Davis - University of Southampton
- Nathan McMaster
- Oliver Lown - University of Cambridge
- Pablo Garrido - University of Seville
- Penny Copeland - University of Southampton
- Peter Wheeler - University of Southampton
- Philip Mackenzie - University of Southampton
- Pina Franco - University of Southampton
- Priscilla Hetherton - University of Cambridge
- Rachel Ballantyne - University of Cambridge
- Roberta Cascino - The British School at Rome
- Rose Ferraby - The British School at Rome
- Samantha Reiter - University of Southampton
- Sara Bozza - Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
- Sarah Deacon - University of Southampton
- Sarah Smith - University of Southampton
- Shaun O’Callaghan - University of Southampton
- Sheila Hamilton-Dyer - University of Southampton
- Stephen Kay - The British School at Rome
- Tara Crabbe - University of Cambridge
- Tim Sly - Archaeological Prospection Services of Southampton
- Fabrizio Felici - Cooperativa Archeologica Parsifal
- Martin Millett - University of Cambridge
- Sabrina Zampini
Research Body
- Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici di Ostia
- The British School at Rome
- University of Cambridge
- University of Southampton – Archaeological Prospection Services of Southampton
Funding Body
- Arts & Humanities Research Council
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