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  • Poggio Civitate
  • Poggio Civitate, Murlo
  • Italy
  • Tuscany
  • Province of Siena
  • Murlo



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

  • AIAC_logo logo



  • No period data has been added yet


    • Excavation during the 2008 season focused on two separate areas of Piano del Tesoro on Poggio Civitate. The area immediately south of a structure identified in 1999, OC3/Tripartite, yielded evidence of two circular areas cut into the bedrock shelf upon whi... Read More
    • The2009 and 2010 season at Poggio Civitate saw the continuation of efforts to bring the copious volume of data already collected at the site closer to publication. Rather than continue excavation, efforts were limited to topographic surveys designed to add... Read More
    • The 2011 research season at Poggio Civitate consisted of multiple projects focusing on several different areas of the site and its immediate environs. Topographic survey work identified an ancient pathway leading from the Ombrone river to the arx of Poggio... Read More
    • The 2012 season of research and excavation on Poggio Civitate focused on the Civitate A and Civitate B zones of the hill. The Civitate B excavation focused on an area immediately south of a medieval road to that traverses the apex of Poggio Civitate. Excav... Read More
    • The 2013 season of research and excavation on Poggio Civitate focused on the Civitate A property zone of the site. Excavation revealed the presence of domestic architecture consisting of relatively light walled structures. At least two phases of constructi... Read More
    • The 2014 excavation season at Poggio Civitate explored areas within the Piano del Tesoro property zone bordering the domestic architecture identified in 2013. Curiously, evidence of non-elite domestic architecture did not extend east of the 2013 area of ex... Read More
    • The 2015 field season at Poggio Civitate and Vescovado di Murlo was characterized by a remarkable series of discoveries. Building on efforts initiated in 2013 and 2014, excavation continued in the area between the western settlement identified in 2013 and ... Read More
    • The efforts of the 2016 field season at Poggio Civitate and Vescovado di Murlo were committed to further exploring the architectural features revealed in Vescovado during the previous season of work while also controlling stratigraphic and chronological da... Read More
    • Excavation in 2017 at Poggio Civitate and Vescovado di Murlo continued the exploration of features identified in earlier years of excavation.

      Atop Poggio Civitate, excavators expanded upon an area first revealed in 2012-2013. This portion of Poggio Civit

      ... Read More
    • The 2018 Field Season at Poggio Civitate sought to clarify several critical details concerning the early phase of monumental architecture revealed over the past several seasons of excavation. Efforts continued within the confines of a structure now called ... Read More
  • 1500 BC
  • 800 BC
  • 550 BC