Summary (English)
At Rione Terra excavations continued in the area of the archaeological park comprising the western sector of the decumanus maximus of the colony and one of the cardines. Excavation of a horrea complex was completed. The horrea were of the cryptoporticus type, facing onto the southern side of the decumanus maximus, and inside were many of the important statues now housed in the Campi Flegrei archaeological Museum within the castle of Baiae. The new investigation mainly regarded a fifth cryptoporticus, of Augustan date, which linked the other four branches of the road. All the rooms were reused in the mid-imperial period for artisan activities, as attested by a number of tanks for lime slaking.
Excavation of the pistrinum, facing the cryptoporticae, was also completed. Here, a room paved with reused basoli, equipped with tanks and work surfaces and a large bread oven was uncovered. To the west of this structure, excavation revealed a stairway providing access to the levels above the pistrinum which may have been for residential use.
Below ground level a large network of cuniculi for the provision of water were explored. Cut into the tufa bank they alternated with cisterns and structures in opus incertum which were probably rooms connected with the Capitolium.Along the cardo of Via S. Procolo, a stretch of the sewer network below the ancient road came to light. Cut into the tufa bank it comprised a series of orthogonal and parallel branches, linked to the main sewer which on a north-south alignment poured the waste water directly into the sea on the south side of the promontory. Many of the wells which opened along the course of the cuniculi had been obliterated by dumps of rubbish from the 1st century A.D. onwards.
- Stefano De Caro - Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici delle province di Napoli e Caserta 
- Costanza Gialanella - Soprintendenza dei Beni Archeologici delle province di Napoli e Caserta
- L. Crimaco
- L. Prioietti
- Luisa Petrone
- Rosanna Immarco
- Vincenzo Imperatore
Research Body
- Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici delle Province di Napoli e Caserta
Funding Body
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