Summary (English)
Chamber 1
Two grids of 1 m x 1 m were set out in the central part of a low but large chamber (length 11 m, width 5 m and height between 1.00 and 1.50 m) containing rich deposits. These were highlighted, on the surface, by a large quantity of dark soils, fragments of pottery and animal bone, situated close to the cavern situated at the end of the entrance corridor of the western arm of the karstic complex. After the cleaning of the loose, potentially disturbed, surface deposits (Context 1) the intact underlying compact deposits (Context 2) were excavated down to bedrock in one of the two quadrants.
Considered as a whole, these deposits comprise a homogeneous horizon, 12 to 14 cm thick, heavily and extensively burnt, made up of stones and fine dark grey soil. The deposits produced 119 relatively large fragments of pottery, animal bones, seven obsidian implements, a bivalve seashell that was perforated in order to be used for personal decoration (27 mm long) and a polished red stone (?) bead.
The pottery, including the rim of a large container and a number of roundish handles, was made of a clay with a coarse grain. Some fragments had a polished surface, two were decorated with finger impressions. Moreover, three burnt fragments of a medium-thin pottery (6-7 mm thick) were found.
Of note among the obsidian artefacts were three arrow heads (25-37 mm long) and a flake, all in original deposition, with very sharp edges (possibly never used).
Internal chamber
This small chamber extended along the final part of the northern arm of the cavern and was divided into six 1 m x 1 m quadrants. Below the surface deposits (Context 1) disturbed by modern visitors, intact deposits came to light (Context 2) containing an animal bone, 18 fragments of prehistoric pottery (mostly from the same vessel) and micro-faunal remains.
- Robin Skeates - Departmment of Archaeology, University of Durham 
- M.A. Gradoli - COMET: Valorizzazione Risorse Territoriali
Research Body
- University of Durham
Funding Body
- Fondazione Banco di Sardegna
- The British Academy
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