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  • Riparo l’Oscurusciuto
  • Ginosa
  • Italy
  • Apulia
  • Province of Taranto
  • Ginosa



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

  • AIAC_logo logo



  • No period data has been added yet


    • From the 6th-26th September 2009 investigations recommenced on the Middle Paleolithic deposit in the Riparo l’Oscurusciuto in the ravine of Ginosa. During the first few days the excavation of US9, squares E-F/11-12, was completed, with the definitive explo... Read More
    • Nel Riparo l’Oscurusciuto (Ginosa – Taranto) le ricerche effettuate nel settembre 2010 hanno portato al rinvenimento di nuove interessanti strutture di combustione all’interno dell’unità stratigrafica 11, parzialmente scavata nel 2009. Questa unità, sabbio... Read More
    • The investigation of the middle Palaeolithic shelter of Oscurusciuto at Ginosa (TA) continued between the 5th and 23rd September 2011. During the first part of the campaign, the excavation of US 11 was completed. In the previous campaign numerous hearths i... Read More
    • In September 2012, a new excavation campaign investigated the middle Paleolithic deposit of the Riparo l’Oscurusciuto at Ginosa (TA). The aim was to excavate the thick stratum of tephra (about 60 cm) identified during the first investigations in 1998. In f... Read More
    • Nella prima fase dei lavori della quindicesima campagna, lo scavo è proseguito nello strato di tefra (US 14 – Epomeo verde di Ischia – potenza 60 cm – ca 55mila anni BP ) in due aree di 4 mq l’una. Nei quadrati D-E-F-G/11 è stata asportata la parte superio... Read More
    • The excavation of the middle Palaeolithic deposit of the Riparo l’Oscurusciuto in the ravine at Ginosa (Taranto) continued in October 2014. During this campaign, the excavation of the settlement occupation surface (US 15) began. This surface was sealed by ... Read More
    • This campaign saw the completion of the excavation of occupation surface US 15. The stones forming the structures were not removed as their bases were embedded in US 16. Following the removal of lithic and faunal material from the paleo-surface in 2013, vi... Read More
    • Nel settembre 2016 è proseguito lo scavo del testimone Nord, iniziato negli ultimi giorni della campagna dello scorso anno. Le indagini in questo lembo di stratigrafia addossato ad una delle pareti del riparo hanno tre obiettivi principali: a) recuperare ... Read More
    • The excavation investigated the patches of US 4 (spit III) in quadrants C11-12, C14-15, the removal of which revealed the top of units 5 and 7. The sediment was not concretionary and the materials in quadrants C11 and C12 were easily recovered, while the c... Read More
    • This season excavation continued of the north baulk in which quadrants C11-C15 extend, which were investigated during the previous three campaigns. There was no sign of any infraction in the area, while during the course of the year, rodent, reptile, and v... Read More
    • This season, the excavation continued of the North baulk in quadrants C11-C15 (Fig. 1). This baulk was investigated during the four previous campaigns and this season involved the last patches of US 9 in quadrants C11-C12 and US 11 across the entire excava... Read More
  • 188000 BC
  • 150000 BC
  • 40000 BC