- M. K. Donais, D. George, B. Duncan, C. Bizzarri, 2010, Comparisons of Ancient Mortars and Hydraulic Cements through In-Situ Analyses by Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry, in Journal of X-Ray Spectrometry, January.
- D. George, C. Bizzarri, M.K. Donais, 2010, Use of Portable XRF and Portable Raman for Phasing of Walls and Floors of Roman Structures at the Excavations at Coriglia, Castel Viscardo, Italy, The American Institute of Archaeology Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, January 8.
- D. George, S. Roberts, J. Roberts, E.Wu, 2009, Analyses of Ancient Roman Pigments by Portable X-Ray Fluorescence and Raman Spectroscopies, Conference of the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies. Louisville, Kentucky. October 19.
- D. George, C. Bizzarri, S. Simonetti, 2009, Field reports for the Excavation at Coriglia (Orvieto, Italy), The American Institute of Archaeology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA January 10.
- D. George, C. Bizzarri, M.K. Donais, 2009, Use of Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry for Mortar, Hydraulic Cement and Metallic Artifact. Analyses in Situ, poster per The American Institute of Archaeology Annual Meeting Philadelphia, PA January 9.
- D. George, C. Bizzarri, L. Rulman, 2011, The Excavations at Coriglia, Castel Viscardo, Italy: Field Reports for 2009–2010 Seasons, Archaeological Institute of America Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.
- M. K. Donais, B. Duncan, S. Wojtas, A. Desmond, D. George, in preparation, Differentiation of Hypocaust Tiles at Coriglia, Castel Viscardo (Umbria, Italy) using Chemometrics and Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry, in Applied Spectroscopy.
- M.K. Donais, D. George, 2012, Using Portable XRF to Aid in Phasing, Locus Comparisons, and Material Homogeneity Assessment at an Archaeological Excavation, in A. Shugar, J. Mass (eds.), Practical Handheld X-Ray Fluorescence for Art Conservation and Archaeology, pp. 349-377.
- M. K. Donais, D. George, B. Duncan, S. Wojtas, A. Daigle, 2011, Evaluation of Data Processing and Analysis Approaches for Fresco Pigments by Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry and Portable Raman Spectroscopy, in Analytical Methods, 3: 1061-1071.
- M.K. Donais, S. Wojtas, A. Desmond, B. Duncan, and D.B. George, 2012, Differentiation of Hypocaust and Floor Tiles at Coriglia, Castel Viscardo (Umbria, Italy) Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Portable X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectrometry, in Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 66, Issue 9: 1005-1012.
- David B. George, 2013, Indagini archeologiche presso la Fontana di Coriglia, in Da Orvieto a Bolsena: un percorso tra Etruschi e Romani, catalogo della mostra 24 Aprile 2013 – 3 Novembre 2013, Pisa: 82-87
- C. Bizzarri, D. George, 2014, Monterubiaglio e il sito archeologico di Coriglia, in Quaderni Monaldeschi 4, pp. 6-36.