Summary (English)
Trench A was extended by two metres in the south-east corner in order to investigate the road identified in 2007: a cobbled surface about 3 m wide on a north-south alignment, bordered by kerbs made up of river stones. The cobbled surface formed a counterslope with respect to the hill and was well-preserved apart from some small patches. A bronze Republican coin dating to 160 B.C. found in direct contact with the cobbles and its being on the same alignment as a dry-stone wall to the west suggest it was of late Etruscan date. An underlying layer of smaller cobbles may have been the make up for the Etruscan road or an earlier one. Later use between the end of the 3rd – beginning of the 4th century A.D. was attested by several coins attributed to Claudius Gothicus (Claudius II) and Helena.
In the northern part of trench C, work concentrated on the kiln found in 2011. The north wall was uncovered below the overlying compact red layer. Built of large tiles, it was badly-preserved due to its position up against a change in height on the hill. The floor of the firing chamber was formed by compact clay. The kiln plan was completed. It was made up of a single rectangular space with praefurnium to the east, the long sides measured 3.60 m and the clay-built back wall 2.20 m, with a pillar supporting the perforated kiln floor. A 4th century coin and ARS fragments found in the rubefied obliterating layer date the complex to the late antique period.
The eastern sector of trench C incorporated trench H dug in 2011: Here, it was documented that all of the rooms continued towards the east where the perimeter wall has yet to be reached. The stratigraphy repeated what had been previously documented: accumulations of stones and mortar lumps, the decay of the walls. The situation in the southern part of this trench, in correspondence with trench H, was different. The area was heavily disturbed: fragments of opus signinum, chunks of wall, brick and tile all churned up by ploughing. A patch of opus signinum floor (1.40 × 1.10 m) dotted with square limestone tesserae (2 × 2 cm) was exposed below the disturbed layer. The final part of trench C that was investigated showed that the quadrangular tank found south of the exedra functioned as part of the apsidal room to which it was connected by a lead fistula.Trench F, with the articulated system of late imperial tanks, was extended to the north. A limekiln was uncovered in the surface layers. This context contained fragments of medieval glazed ware and archaic majolica. The compact fill of the ancient tank contained amphorae, dolia and coarse ware pottery. In the north-western corner of the trench was a compact concentration of medium-large stones, which did not seem to be related to the tanks. The layer of stones obliterated a substantial wall, with yellowish mortar, on a north-south alignment.
- Silvia Simonetti 
- Claudio Bizzarri - Parco Archeologico Ambientale dell’Orvietano 
- David George - St. Anselm College, New Hampshire, USA
- Francesca Bellagamba
- Eric Thienes
- Molly Gayton - Tufts University
- Naomi Kaloudis
- Serena Bramucci
- Tristan Barnes
Research Body
- St Anselm College, New Hampshire, USA
Funding Body
- Institute for Mediterranean Archaeology, OK, USA
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