Summary (English)
The 2015 excavations at Coriglia uncovered important new evidence in four trenches, three opened previously, and one new area.
In trench A, to the east, the cobblestone surface was shown to be later and more limited in extension than that uncovered in the southern sector. It was only partially preserved in the northern part of the trench, as it was cut by a plough furrow running south-east/north-west. The lower levels of the cobblestone surface appeared to be more carefully constructed. The surface was made of carefully selected cobbles mixed with crushed pottery and brick/tile. The excavation of one of the walls dated the floor to the late antique period. This proposal is supported by past finds of coins datable to the Constantinian and Theodorician periods. The archaeological material from the new trench J (heavy root presence) was very homogeneous. Of note, a large bronze coin attributable to the 5th century A.D. (the three standing figures appear to be Honorius, Theodosius II, and Arcadius).
A layer characterised by a substantial accumulation of medium-large stones together with pottery and brick/tile was uncovered in trench F. Also present was a wall imitating opus listatum built with reused brick/tile and stone, a practice widely documented during the late antique and late medieval periods. This dating was confirmed by the large amount of medieval pottery recovered from the layer, including numerous fragments of archaic majolica. Thus, it was also confirmed that occupation of the southern part of the site continued until at least the late 1300s. In the southern part of the trench, the excavation of a small vat lined with opus signinum produced a commemorative aes of the Divus Augustus attributable to Tiberius and dating to 15-16 A.D.
Trench C, the largest, is situated in the northernmost area of the site. A large amount of homogenous material was recovered from the northern part of the trench (painted wall plaster, architectural terracottas, stone, and glass paste mosaic tesserae, patches of opus signinum, tiles and tubuli, marble crustae. The bronze finds included a nail, a fragmentary fibula and two small coins. A 50-calibre bullet from the Second World War was also found. The trench was extended to the south in order to investigate a structure identified in its south-eastern corner in 2014. This revealed the presence of an underground structure with an arched lintel of bricks belonging to a barrel vault. The fill contained large stone mosaic tesserae, tiles, amphorae and numerous dolia fragments, some of which had been repaired in antiquity. Finds from the lower parts of the stratigraphy included a bone hairpin, a small iron scythe, a miniature cup in thin walled ware, a few fragments of sigillata Italica, a lamp of the Firmalampen type dating to the 1st-2nd century A.D., a leucitite millstone and amphora fragments including a neck with the stamp “PECVL”.
- David George, St. Anselm College, NH, USA
- Simone Moretti Giani
- Serena Bramucci
- Linda Rulamn
- Tania Bonifazi
Research Body
- Comune di Castelviscardo
Funding Body
- Saint Anselm College
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