- No period data has been added yet
- In February 1988 the remains of a Roman building were identified in the municipality of Pollena Trocchia (on the north side of the Somma-Vesuvius, probably part of the territory of Naples in antiquity), in the locality of Masseria De Carolis. At the time t... Read More
- The 2008 campaign greatly increased knowledge of the site. In fact, five trenches were excavated in diverse parts of the site, which identified ten rooms. The two vaulted features (“g” and “f”), partially investigated in 1988, were completely excavated and... Read More
- Several trenches were opened in various parts of the site. In the south-west sector two trenches were opened in order to gain a more precise plan of the calidaria “e” and “d”. However, this area had suffered severe disturbance caused by mechanical diggers ... Read More
- The 2010 campaign concentrated on the southern side of the site where the heated rooms of the baths and the courtyard in front of them are situated. The excavation inside the calidarium “e” defined almost its complete perimeter. The stratigraphy was heav... Read More
- The excavation concentrated on the northern slope, corresponding with the service sector of the baths, and on the south slope where the actual bath structures and the open area in front of them stood. The excavation of the area south of caldarium e (situat... Read More
- This season’s excavations were concentrated on three fronts: the western side, close to the well/cistern; along the entire northern side that is the area providing access to the service area; and in the eastern area, with the rooms leading into the baths.... Read More
- In 2013, trenches were opened on the north, east, and south fronts of the structures exposed to date. On the north front, excavation of the well continued, and this revealed that it was connected to the cistern to the west, but only volcaniclastic material... Read More
- Most of the time and resources during the 2014 campaign were dedicated to the cleaning and restoration of the wall facings and finds recovered during this and previous campaigns. Particular attention was paid to a frescoed wall, found in a collapse, and st... Read More
- 400 BC
- 62 AD
- 512 AD