Summary (English)
An Italic nucleated settlement was discovered at the limit of a territory populated by farms and rustic villas at Monte Santa Croce. Situated in a strategic position, this town must have controlled the junction of the major streets linking Atina and Cassino to the eastern entrance of the upper valley of Volturno. The archaeological evidence includes remains of walled enclosures, terracing in “opera poligonale,” a large rectangular building, a circular cistern, and pieces of pottery dated between the fifth and third centuries BC. There were various groups of houses and four distinct areas of burial in use between the end of the sixth and the third centuries BC. Archaeological investigations have been conducted on the necropolis of Costa Sciarichetta. The tomb furnishings are simple and poor in imported pottery. They date between the end of the sixth and the beginning of the fifth centuries BC, and suggest a conservative and warlike society.
- Emanuele Nicosia - Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Lazio
Research Body
- Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Lazio
Funding Body
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