Summary (English)
Archaeological excavation lasted for 2 months, from May 25th 2010 untill July 24th 2010. The main aim of project was to determine the extension of graveyard on W side of church,to find the entrance to monastery complex, and to find the outer complex wall. More than 100 graves were opened and documented; some of the skeletons were prepared for analysis- those were chosen because they were put in gravepits one on another in same period, two or three skeletons in same pit. It may have conection with Grbalj rebellion. Some of the graves had stone construction, and some were dug into the natural soil, called „ilovača“, the source of the the monastery\‘s name. In the graves there were no finds, except for a small arrow in one. The most interesting graves are, first No25, where there was a skull with a small hole in the back, and the one with baby in it, and construction was made of large bricks.
On the SW edge of monastery, in a place where the natural soil goes deeply downwords, roman material (pottery- terra sigillata, glass) started to show. In one part there was a coin of Otto II from the 10th century, showing that all layers were mixed.
On the nothern side of the monastery, in a destruction layer , a lot of frescoes were found, one of them showing face of saint, probably from the 9th-11th century, although justpossibly from the 7th century.
Pottery from the 7th century around the western side of church suggested a new dating, lowering the date from the 9th to the 7th centuries.
Researches are about to continue in 2011.
- Mladen Zagarčanin - Zavičajni muzej Bar
- Dragana Vulović
- Dejan Drašković
- Djordje Janković - Univ. u Beogradu
- Marija Savić
- Petra Zdravković
Research Body
- Zavičajni muzej Bar
Funding Body
- Srpska Pravoslavna Crkva
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