Summary (English)
The archaeological excavation of the Grotta dell’Eremita are undertaken by the Laboratoire d’archéologie préhistorique et anthropologie – Institut F.-A. Forel – Sciences de la Terre et de l’environnement of the Université de Genève by allowance from the Ministero dei Beni Culturali Ambientali e del Turismo e della Soprintendenza per i Beni archeologici del Piemonte e del Museo Antichità Egizie. The excavation took place over 5 weeks (from June 23, 2014 to July 26, 2014), during which time we expanded the previous excavated area to a total of 14 m2. All the archaeological and stratigraphical observations are confirmed with some news data about the spatial distribution of the remains. The archaeological material is mainly concentrated at the bottom and in a new area nearby the entrance. The corpus consists of numerous pottery fragments, objects, rare lithic flint tools, and numerous fragments of fauna, some of which exhibit signs of burning
In collaboration with researchers from Geneva University (Stéphanie Girardclos, Institut F.-A. Forel – Sciences de la Terre et de l’environnement) and from Bern University (Daniele Colombaroli, Universität Bern), some geological and palinological samples were taken and their study is ongoing.
The season’s main objective to excavate all Bronze age layers on half of the cave was achieved.
The results provide more evidence regarding the geological and archaeological history of the cave.
- Marie Besse 
- Stefano Viola – University of Geneva 
- Marie Besse – Università di Ginevra
- Celine Von Tobel – Università di Ginevra
- Elisa Panero – Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici e del Museo antichità Egizie
- Francesco Rubat Borel – Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici e del Museo antichità Egizie
- Jocelyne Desideri – Università di Ginevra
- Stefano Viola – Università di Ginevra
- Matteo Gios – Università di Ginevra
Research Body
- Università di Ginevra, Laboratoire d’archéologie préhistorique et anthropologie
Funding Body
- Fondation Ernst et Lucie Schmidheiny, Ginevra
- Universita di Ginevra, Laboratoire d’archéologie préhistorique et antropologie Comune di Borgosesia