Summary (English)
The site ‘Molino San Vincenzo’ is situated in an agriculturally used region in the mid-Arno- and Pesa-valley. The excavation of the season 2018 lasted from July 30 till August 19 and resulted in the examination of a new trench named S5/2018. The excavation was situated in the courtyard of a large agricultural building as it was indicated by geophysical prospections in 2013 and 2017. All archaeological layers where removed stratigraphically by hand. The stratigraphic units and relations were recorded fully digital in 3D applying a standardized workflow, using a total station (Leica Flexline TS06plus), AutoCAD 2018, TachyCAD (FARO Box 18.0), and Harris Matrix Composer (2.0 b). Additionally, the archaeological features were documented photographically enabling the production of ‘conventional’ archaeological documentation photos as well as geo-referenced digital surface models applying image-based-modeling (structure-from-motion and multiple-vie-stereo/Agisoft PhotoScan 1.3.x). All data were managed using a geographic information system (ArcGIS 10.4 and QGIS 2.18.x ‘Las Palmas’).
The most notable feature which was detected in 2018 was a large pit named oggetto 4 filled in by a large number of archaeological layers discernible as different stratigraphic units (US 200, US 500, US 900, US 1100, US 1400, US 1500, US 1600, US 1700). All these layers content a vast amount of material culture, mostly large sherds of pottery and fragments of waddle-and-daub walls. The pottery consisted mostly of coarse ware pottery, cooking ware, dolia and table wares, especially the so-called ceramica grigia, a local/regional ware morphologically following Campana pottery. The pottery sherds are characterized by a low level of brokenness and a high level of completeness indicating a secondary refuse deposit ((M. B. Schiffer, Formation processes of the archaeological record; Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press 1987, 55-57). The feature can be interpreted as a refuse pit whereby the different numerous stratigraphic units were formed by single disposal events. A first, totally provisional analysis points to an early, i.e. a republican date of the pottery.
Additionally, a second pit was excavated (US 700, US 800) filled in with two stratigraphical units. The findings consisted also of waddle-and-daub fragments and sherds of coarse ware and cooking ware pottery but without ceramica grigia.
Due to the very high density of artifacts and the complicated stratigraphy, it was not possible to excavate oggetto 4 till the natural soil what will be the main task in 2019.
- Günther Schörner, Institut für Klassische Archäologie, Universität Wien, Austria 
- Dominik Hagmann, M.A., Institut für Klassische Archäologie, Universität Wien, Austria  
- Dr. Günther Schörner, Institut für Klassische Archäologie, Universität Wien, Austria
- Dominik Hagmann, M.A., Institut für Klassische Archäologie, Universität Wien, Austria
- Hadwiga Schörner, Institut für Klassische Archäologie, Universität Wien, Austria
Research Body
- Institut für Klassische Archäologie, Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität Wien
Funding Body
- Universität Wien
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