Summary (English)
The 2012 campaign mainly investigated the Mesolithic levels relating to the weapons group of the Sauveterrian facies. Interest was raised by the fact that this is the first evidence of the Sauveterrian facies in Calabria and adds to knowledge of its diffusion in southern Italy where it is known in the Cilento (Grotta della Serratura at Marina di Camerota), in Sicily (with original local characteristics) and in Apulia (grotta delle Mura nel Barese). Well-known in the centre and north of the peninsula, there is need for evidence from the south that confirms what appears to be a phenomenon of spread from north to south in diverse areas where it takes on local characteristics. Therefore, the discovery of the first Calabrian Sauveterrian industry confirms that the Grotta del Romita must be considered significant for the late Pleistocen period and the early Holocene period in the region. Furthermore, the excavation of the Epigravettian levels abutting the boulder with incised lines made it possible to establish a precise terminus ante quem for the incisions themselves.
- Fabio Martini - Università degli Studi di Firenze, dipartimento di Scienze Dell’antichità “G.Pasquali”  
- Domenico Lo Vetro - Università degli Studi di Firenze
Research Body
- Universita' di Firenze, Dipartimento di Scienze dell'antichità, Medioevo e Rinascimento e Linguistica
Funding Body
- Museo e Istituto Fiorentino di Preistoria-Firenze
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