- No period data has been added yet
- Grotta di Fumane lies at the base of a rock cliff at 350 m a.s.l. on the southern edge of the Veneto Pre-Alps, in the North of Italy. The cave belongs to a fossil karst system probably composed of several cavities and tunnels excavated in dolomitic limesto... Read More
- Anche quest’anno gli scavi archeologici a Grotta di Fumane hanno portato a scoperte importanti. Grazie alla concessione del Ministero dei Beni Culturali e Ambientali e della Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Veneto, la campagna di ricerche è inizi... Read More
- This season’s main objective was to complete the excavation of layer A9.
The results provided more evidence regarding the organisation of the groups of Neanderthals who occupied the cavern. The excavation also recovered more bird bones.
Two more hearths w
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- This season’s main objective was to complete the excavation of layer A9.
The results provided more evidence regarding the organisation of the groups of Neanderthals who occupied the cavern. The excavation also recovered more bird bones.
- The excavations at Grotta di Fumane concentrated on two sectors. The first, inside the actual cavity, explored the Aurignacian sequence over an area of 1 m2, removing the sections exposed in 2006. The second sector investigated the Mousterian micro-sequenc... Read More
- This campaign at the Grotta di Fumane concentrated on a sector investigated over an area of c. 5.5 m2 where the Mousterian micro-sequence of unit A10, characterised by anthropised levels alternating with breccias. The stratigraphic excavation was carried ... Read More
- The excavations at the Grotta di Fumane concentrated on an area of c. 3.5 m2, where the Mousterian micro-sequence in unit A10, characterised by occupation layers alternating with gravels, was uncovered.
The excavation was carried out in 33 cm squares whos
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- The excavations at the Grotta di Fumane concentrated on an area of c. 3.5 m2, where the Mousterian micro-sequence in unit A10, characterised by occupation layers alternating with gravels, was uncovered.
- The excavations concentrated on an area of c. 5.5 m2 and saw the completion of the excavation of unit A10 in the area investigated in 2017 and of two quadrants already excavated in 1996, in order to integrate them with the rest of the excavation. The micro... Read More
- Marco Peresani, Rossella Duches , Davide Delpiano , Jacopo Gennai, Diana Marcazzan , Nicola Nannini , Matteo Romandini , Alessandro Aleo, Arianna Cocilova. 2017. Il Musteriano delle unità A10 e A11 a Grotta di Fumane (VR). Risultati delle campagne di scavo 2014 e 2016 . FOLD&R Italy: 397.
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- 188000 BC
- 150000 BC
- 10000 BC