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  • Grotta Fumane
  • Grotta Fumane
  • Riparo Solinas
  • Italy
  • Veneto
  • Province of Verona
  • Fumane



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

  • AIAC_logo logo

Summary (English)

  • The excavations at the Grotta di Fumane concentrated on an area of c. 3.5 m2, where the Mousterian micro-sequence in unit A10, characterised by occupation layers alternating with gravels, was uncovered.

    The excavation was carried out in 33 cm squares whose sediment was aspirated, washed, and sieved in order to recover bone, burnt bone, flints, malacofauna, microteriological fauna, and charcoal. Part of the sediment was sampled for micro-morphological analyses. During the excavation the ≥3cm flints, ≥5cm bones and those that could be identified, the hearth stones and compact pieces of charcoal several millimeters in size were positioned using a total station, documenting the layer, spatial coordinates and where possible inclination and orientation.

    The excavations uncovered a hearth, denominated A101SX. It was sectioned, recorded, and sampled in order to gain information about the type of wood used, the possible use of grass and animal fat, the combustion temperature, and its possible reuse during the course of seasonal occupation of the cavern. Layers A10I, A10I.1, A10IBRII, A10I.2, A10III.2, A10III.1, A10III.3, A10IV.2 and A10IV.1 were identified and sampled for micro-morphological and sediment analyses. Flint flakes were found in the layers, primarily the result of the Levallois and Discoide methods, partly transformed in retouched instruments such as scrapers. Numerous bones were also present belonging to herbivores such as deer, megalocerous, roe deer, and ibex.

    Sediment samples were also taken from the excavated layers for DNA analysis.

  • Marco Peresani – Università degli Studi di Ferrara  



  • Matteo Romandini
  • Rossella Duches - Museo delle Scienze di Trento

Research Body

  • MUSE – Museo delle Scienze di Trento
  • Università di Bologna
  • Università di Bordeaux I
  • Università di Ferrara
  • Università di Liegi
  • Università di Oxford, department of Human Evolution - Max Planck Institute
  • Università di Roma La Sapienza

Funding Body

  • Comune di Fumane
  • Comunità Montana della Lessinia
  • Consorzio Imbrifero Montano Adige e altri sponsor internazionali e locali
  • European Research Council (ERC)
  • Parco Naturale Regionale della Lessinia


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