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  • Villa del Vergigno
  • Podere Virginio
  • Italy
  • Tuscany
  • Florence
  • Montespertoli



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

  • AIAC_logo logo

Summary (English)

  • The 2014 season continued the work of the 2013 season by opening a large, contiguous area of the site’s agricultural sector to reveal the phases of activity outside of the residential zone.
    In Area 1000, excavation continued on the interior of a large structure (ca. 15 × 20 meters) whose outer walls are characterized by courses of stone, travertine, tile, and bricks. This structure’s outer walls run roughly N/S and E/W. On the interior of this structure two parallel N/S wall courses, approximately three meters apart, came to light, each made with large blocks of stone and travertine. A possible third, perpendicular, E/W wall is indicated by tile clusters in the unexcavated topsoil; this wall appears to connect the two stone courses mentioned above, which would indicate the presence of a room. Artifacts from this area date the excavated levels to the late Imperial period.

    A new trench, Area 5000, was opened to the southwest of Area 1000. Here, a travertine wall was revealed that runs E/W. This wall course lies two meters north of the E/W interior wall of Area 1000, which seems to indicate that additional rooms are present in this area of the site. Artifacts date the excavated levels to the late Roman Imperial period; burnt ceramics and large quantities of charcoal suggest that cooking was the primary activity in this sector of the agricultural zone. In the central part of Area 5000, a thin layer of tile was found which might be the remains of a collapsed structure, such as an oven, or a small kiln. Excavation in 2015 will test this hypothesis.

    In Area 4000, which is adjacent to Area 5000 on its southwest side, an additional E/W course of brick, tile, stone, and travertine was revealed that likely joins the interior wall course coming to light in Area 5000. In addition, continued study of a hypothesized kiln that was discovered in 2013 now allows this feature to be dated to the site’s earliest, first century B.C.E. phase. Thus, it seems that in the same 20 × 15 meter area there was continual activity for ca. 400 years.

    A second new trench, Area 6000, was opened to the southeast of the exterior walls of the structure described above. Excavations here reached that which appears to be the foundation level of this structure, whose associated artifacts date to the late Republican or early Imperial period. Interesting features in this area include two parallel N/S cuts in the bedrock, which may represent either wheel-ruts, or drainage trenches, that are lined with discarded pottery datable to the Imperial period.

    The results from the 2014 season are consistent with the hypotheses established during the site’s first excavations in the 1990s that interpreted the chronology of the Villa as a structure built between 80 and 50 B.C.E. and abandoned during the IV century. Fragments of Terra Sigillata and Campana B indicate that the earliest phases of the site can be reasonably placed in the middle of the first century B.C.E. Other datable artifacts found this season and in 2013 indicate that habitation and commercial production continued into the IV century C.E.

  • C. McKenzie Lewis – Concordia College 



  • Andrea Violetti - Cooperativa Ichnos
  • Karlyn Griffith - University of Minnesota, Moorhead
  • Lorenzo Cecchini – Cooperativa Ichnos
  • William Ramundt – University of Iowa (Iowa City, USA)
  • Kurtis Butler – University of Wyoming (Laramie, USA)
  • Pino Fenu – Studio Associato Metra

Research Body

  • Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota (USA)
  • Cooperativa Ichnos, Montelupo Fiorentino, Toscana
  • Sistema Museali di Montelupo Fiorentino, Toscana

Funding Body

  • Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota, USA
  • University of Wyoming, Laramie (USA)
  • University of Wyoming, Laramie (USA)


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