Summary (English)
The 2008 season focused on the excavation of OP5, located to the south of OP3. This trench sought to further explore the southern area of the pool and attempt to date the foundation wall of room 87, the large diaeta to the SW of the swimming pool. The finds here were similar to those from OP1 and OP3 with extensive evidence of demolition. Of great significance here was the documentation of a beaten earth work pavement which coincided with the top of the shuttered section of room 87’s eastern foundation wall. Above the level of the beaten earth pavement the foundation’s construction was in opus reticulatum. The importance of this discovery lies in the presence of a foundation trench for the reticulate section that cut into the beaten earth pavement. Therefore we believe that the material below the beaten earth pavement was deposited before the construction of the reticulate wall. Though the ceramics from below the beaten earth pavement are still undergoing study, numerous pieces of Fourth-Style painting provide a terminus post quem date of 45 CE for this pavement and the reticulate wall. It is also worth noting that the foundation wall went down to a depth of just under 3 meters.
- John R. Clarke - University of Texas at Austin 
- Michael L. Thomas - University of Texas at Austin 
- Paul Wilkinson - Swale and Thames, UK
- Regina Gee - Montana State University
- Jess Galloway - Principal, Booziotis & Company Architects
- Ivo van der Graaff - University of Texas at Austin
- Lauren Jackson - University of Texas at Austin
- Lea Cline - University of Texas at Austin
- Paul Bardagjy
- Alvaro Ibarra - John Hopkins University
Research Body
- The University of Texas at Austin
Funding Body
- The National Endowment of the Humanities Collaborative Research Grant
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