Summary (English)
ST. JOHN PRODROMOS MONASTERY (Kazimir Popkonstantinov, Tsonya Drazheva, Rossina Kostova – The monastery covered an area of c. 0.5 ha. In Sector I, an anonymous Byzantine lead seal showing St. George and St. Theodore, a coin of the 4th – 3rd century BC, sherds of the 4th – 3rd centuries BC, and fragments from tegulae and imbrices were found in the yard between the Mediaeval church and the Early Byzantine basilica. The northern wall and the northern half of the apse of the Prothesis of the basilica, preserved up to 1.20 m in height, were explored. The earliest basilica had three naves and three apses. After the reconstruction, its size was decreased and it had three naves and one apse. Its foundations were constructed over foundations of earlier buildings. The basilica was burned. In Sector II, sherds of the 13th – 14th centuries, small terracotta bowls from the architectural decoration of the church and fragments from roof-tiles were found to the south of the Diaconicon. A foundation of the Hellenistic period was discovered under the floor level of the Diaconicon. Four graves were explored to the northwest of the basilica and to the east of the church. Skeletal remains from three deceased were discovered in one of the graves. An imbrex with incised cross and inscription that reads: ІС ХС NІ КА, was found over the skull of one of the deceased. In Sector III, a wall that surrounded the basilica and the other buildings during the 4th – 5th centuries AD was discovered to the east of the chancel of the basilica.
- Kazimir Popkonstantinov - Department of Archaeology, Veliko Tarnovo University St. Cyril and St. Methodius 
- Tsonya Drazheva - Regional Museum – Burgas 
- Rossina Kostova - Department of Archaeology, Veliko Tarnovo University St. Cyril and St. Methodius 
Research Body
- Regional Museum – Burgas
- Veliko Tarnovo University St. Cyril and St. Methodius