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  • Regio VII Insula 2 pars occidentalis
  • Pompei
  • Pompeii
  • Italy
  • Campania
  • Naples
  • Pompei



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

  • AIAC_logo logo

Summary (English)

  • This project aims to publish all available data regarding the construction history of the buildings in the western part of Insula 2 , Regio VII: this invoves the collection of archive material, survey results and analyses of wall facings etc. Geophysical surveys and trial trenches have already been undertaken in order to study the archaeology of the earliest phases. In depth excavation will allow the analysis of urban aspects of the zone, and give an idea of the society, material culture and economy of Pompeii in general. It is hoped that by digging down to the earliest layers it will be possible to investigate the remains of Pompeii’s archaic city walls in order to gain a better understanding of these defences.
    In July 2003 trial trenches were dug in the Casa di Mercurio (VII, 2, 35) which revealed the presence of great blocks of “Sarno limestone” and tufa below the floor level of some of the tabernae along the Vicolo Storto. The house seems to have been built or largely modified in the post-Sullan period.
    In May-June 2004 an investigation was undertaken of the Casa di Popidus Priscus (VII,2 ,20), a large domus of the second half of the 2nd century B.C. It was possible to identify several structures pre-dating the building of the great peristyle, which may be contemporary with the first phase of the house (c.140-130 B.C.). Probably in the Augustan period, the old peristyle was narrowed and rebuilt with tile columns. The domus suffered severe damage in the earthquake of 62 A.D.
    In May-June 2005 trial trenches will be dug in the Panificio (VII, 2,22) and the other small houses: the Casa delle Quadrighe (VII, 2, 25) and the Casa del Amore Punito (VII, 2, 23). (Elisabeth Walde -Luigi Pedroni)


  • Elisabeth Walde


  • Barbara Tasser
  • Dietrich Feil
  • Luigi Pedroni - Institut für Klassische und Provinzialrömische Archäologie - Universität Innsbruck

Research Body

  • Institut für Klassische und Provinzialrömische Archäologie - Universität Innsbruck (Austria)

Funding Body

  • Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung - Wien


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