Summary (English)
As in previous years, the excavations carried out by Milan University’s department of cultural and environmental heritage studies investigated the eastern part of the villa. The work concentrated on the sector in front of the kilns found in 2014, in order to gain a better understanding of the spatial layout of the area in which they were situated. The removal of the layers of obliteration and fill revealed a mortar make up for an opus signinum floor.
The joining up of the different excavation areas clarified the stratigraphic relationships between the various features. During the same phase as the kiln’s use, the area in front of them was closed to the south with a line of reused materials, including two elements from a torcular. It was then decided to excavate below the surfaces on which the kilns stood; this revealed another opus signinum floor. Rubble and a large amount of burnt materials were present in the underlying layers, which could indicate destruction through fire, following which the area was levelled using the rubble on top of which the kilns were built. During this season, work also continued on documenting the already known structures of the villa, in particular the pavilion facing the grotto.
- Fabrizio Slavazzi - Università degli Studi di Milano 
- Daniela Massara - Università degli Studi di Milano
- Daniele Capuzzo
- Elena Belgiovine – Archeologa specializzata
- Federica Grossi - Università degli Studi di Milano
- Giorgio Rea - Università degli Studi di Milano
Research Body
- Università degli Studi di Milano
Funding Body
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