Summary (English)
In 2006 in Area I (to the west) stratigraphic sequences of early to mid Republican date were investigated. These levels preceded the construction of the domus in opus reticulatum and travertine pilasters that was identified between 2002 and 2004. The remains of two walls in opus quadratum emerged, one (mid Republican) in yellow tufa and the other (late Archaic) in cappellaccio stone, probably relating to earlier houses. A stratigraphic sequence was also excavated relating to a series of rebuilds of the road leading to the forum (5th-3rd century B.C.) which can be tied in with the road phases known in the area of the Meta Sudans.
Within Area II (to the east) the excavation proceeded on several fronts.
In the North Sector (along the present Via Sacra) the road make ups of the latter ( 3rd-beginning of the 1st century B.C.) were investigated and a stretch of road paved in red tufa (end of the 4th century B.C.) was uncovered. Near the northern pavement the investigation of a mid 1st century B.C. “well” continued. In reality this contained sacrificial remains and ritual objects, below which were two stone caskets, one on top of the other. These were also filled with ritual objects and dated respectively to the 5th (but the research is ongoing) and beginning of the 3rd century B.C.
In Sector W the continued investigation of the basement substructure of vaulted galleries built in the Neronian period showed how some of the spaces were abandoned in the 5th century A.D., whilst others were still in use in the early medieval period. During the year the conservation and study of a number of artefacts, found in 2005 in one of these spaces, identified them as a group of Imperial insignia, buried at the beginning of the 4th century and perhaps attributable to Maxentius. These have been on display in the Museo Nazionale Romano in Palazzo Massimo, Rome, since February 2007. Finally, in the Central Sector, where an enormous 17th century robber trench (identified in previous years and also extending into Area III) had drastically removed the above mentioned Neronian substructure, part of a complex sewer system of Imperial date (1st-3rd century A.D.) came to light, of which wells and lengths of drains remain.
As regards Area III (to the south-east), in the West Sector the excavation was more or less completed of the fills in the 17th century robber trench. In the East Sector the stratigraphy relating to the rebuilding of a modern road was investigated. The road, known from many illustrations and dating to between the 18th and 19th century, curves towards the Palatine from the via di S. Gregorio. Rooms came to light arranged on a north-south alignment, open to the east-facing piazza dell’Anfiteatro, with pilasters that were partly blocked in. The structures showed a complex sequence of walls which went from the 1st ( opus reticulatum ) to at least the 5th century ( opus listatum and incertum ). A patch of fresco with a white background and traces of a finely drawn draped figure dates to the latter phase.
- Clementina Panella - Sapienza-Università di Roma
- Antonio Francesco Ferrandes - Sapienza-Università di Roma
- Viviana Carbonara
- Giacomo Pardini - Sapienza-Università di Roma
- Emanuele Brienza
- Irene Iacopi - Soprintendenza archeologica di Roma
- Matilde Cante
- Sabina Zeggio - Roma Capitale-Sovraintendenza ai Beni Culturali
- Salvatore Piro - Istituto per le tecnologie applicate ai Beni Culturali
- Antonia Arnoldus Huyzendveld - Società Digiter-Roma
- Elena Gabriella Lorenzetti
Research Body
Funding Body
- Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche Archeologiche e Antropologiche dell’Antichità
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