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  • Pendici nord-orientali del Palatino
  • Roma
  • Italy
  • Lazio
  • Rome
  • Rome



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

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Summary (English)

  • Areas I-III

    In 2008 work continued on the investigation of the complex drainage system of Imperial date (1st-4th century) in the central sector of Area II (eastern zone of the site). Two other stretches of conduit were identified, one of which was very large and may have already been in use in the late Republican period. South of the capellaccio stone wall identified in 2007 investigation continued of the phases relating to the Valley-Forum road reaching down to exceptionally thick stratigraphy of early Republican date (5th century B.C.). In the south-eastern corner of the area the only traces of the southern sidewalk came to light inside a small room. Between the capellaccio wall and the northern edge of the excavation work continued on the definition of the late archaic sanctuary situated on the south-eastern corner of the Velian hill. A paved ramp, rebuilt many times, led up from the road to the temple (outside the excavation area); within it there were two bothroi, that had already been identified, several cippi and a monumental altar of which the robber trench remained. Water drainage was ensured by a channel built in capellaccio beside the wall delimiting the road.

    Excavation of the smaller bothros (still underway) produced some very interesting elements: a terracotta appliqué with a triton (?) and above all a small amphora and miniature cup in impasto dating to the mid 8th century B.C.

    In Area III (south-eastern zone) the resumption of the excavation of the massive land fills of the modern era, typical of the zone, aided the interpretation of the structures situated between the piazza of the amphitheatre and the eastern slopes of the Palatine. Linked to the Neronian-Flavian system of structures they formed corridors, with pilasters in opus latericium and travertine heads, which gradually lost their function as passageways. Numerous blockings datable to the Trajanic-Hadrianic period ( opus mixtum reticulatum/latericium ), to the middle and late Imperial period (diverse types of opus latericium ) and to the end of the antique period (walls built of tufelli with a single course of bricks) delimited ever smaller rooms whose function remains unknown.

    Area IV (“Baths of Helagabalus”)

    The continuation of investigations along frontage E of the complex and their extension along frontage N revealed new evidence regarding the insula in which the Republican domus stood. What came to light were the tabernae facing onto the road, on a north-east/south-west alignment and all characterised by opus reticulatum walls. The insula was destroyed during the fire of 64 A.D.

    The extension of the excavation led to the identification of new spaces belonging to the Hadrianic horreum which was built over the Republican insula on a different alignment (N-S). The best preserved room, on E frontage of the complex, had undergone various alterations and preserved a latrine whose drain was filled, at the moment of its abandonment, by pottery that had probably been destined for sale.

    The conclusion of the excavation in the south-eastern corner of the insula facilitated the reconstruction of the frontage of the Hadrianic and Severan substructures on the northern side of the Palatine. The Hadrianic substructures had two rows of rooms instead of a single row, therefore they projected further forward towards the north than was previously thought.

    The northern side of the Palatine was completely transformed in the Severan period when a new and more imposing substructure supporting wall was built, slightly set back to the south. The wall had a cement foundation, cast in formwork and surmounted by blocks of peperino, a number of which missed by a 13th century robber trench.

    The “Baths of Helagabalus” abutted the massive Severan supporting wall but seemed slightly later in date. Its construction involved the demolition of the Hadrianic horreum and a substantial raising of the ground levels. In the area (W) adjacent to the eastern frontage a series of tanks recently came to light. Their presence will certainly help to clarify the function of this complex.

  • Sabina Zeggio - Roma Capitale-Sovraintendenza ai Beni Culturali 
  • Lucia Saguì - Sapienza-Università di Roma 


  • Clementina Panella - Sapienza-Università di Roma


  • Antonio Francesco Ferrandes - Sapienza-Università di Roma
  • Arianna Santelli
  • Francesco Quondam - Sapienza-Università di Roma
  • Giacomo Pardini - Sapienza-Università di Roma
  • Giovanni Caratelli
  • Nicoletta Saviane - Sapienza-Università di Roma
  • Viviana Carbonara
  • Daniele Botticelli
  • Emanuele Brienza
  • Matilde Cante
  • Salvatore Piro - Istituto tecnologie applicate ai beni Culturali CNR
  • Antonia Arnoldus Huyzendveld - Società Digiter-Roma
  • Maurizio Necci - Sapienza-Università di Roma

Research Body

  • Sapienza - Università degli Studi di Roma

Funding Body


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