Summary (English)
The excavation revealed evidence from several chronological horizons (from the archaic to the late antique periods), of which the stratigraphy of the early and mid Republican periods produced the most materials, documentation and data. A foundation that appeared to be oval, faced with red tufa chippings bonded with clay and an emplecton of the same material can be attributed to the late 6th-early 5th century, although the interpretation is uncertain (cellar of an oikos, a structure buttressing the slope?). The wall was probably made with wattle and daub, as attested by the remains of baked clay mixed with carbonized wood found in the 4th century B.C. layers, when the structure seems to have been destroyed by fire and not reconstructed. Traces of burning appeared in the mid Republican stratigraphies, which showed a substantial rise in the floor levels in the Curiae veteres following a fire (traces of the Gallic sack of Rome in 390 B.C.?). The reconfiguration of the slope was carried out by positioning dumps of soil containing abundant pottery, buttressed by low walls made of reused, small blocks of capellaccio stone and chippings of red tufa. The finds showed that this intervention had at least three phases, dating to between the 4th-early 3rd centuries B.C. Also present in the dumped material were elements from the terracotta facing of one or more buildings that may be suggested related to the curiae in the archaic and early Republican phase (imbrices and ridge tiles, tegulae, and painted facing plaques, antefixes) and furnishings from the sanctuary ( arule, pithoi, louteria ), in some cases ritually buried ( piacola ). Drains made of capellaccio stone or tiles were the only 4th century B.C. structures found, which remained in use until the Caesarian and/or Neronian period. At this time a large north-south drain in opus latericius, and a well (that could however be of Archaic date), were built in capellaccio slabs, then restored in opus incertum at the beginning of the 1st century B.C., and abandoned in the Augustan period. Later interventions cut into this sector of the Palatine with all types of walls. However, on the analogy of what happened in the successive period, it seems possible to confirm that, between the 4th and mid 1st centuries B.C., the western part of the sanctuary (which falls in Area II) appeared as a large open space, behind the naos situated to the east, at the foot of the hill (Area III).Area IV (so-called Baths of Elagabalus)
The excavation of this area concluded in 2013. In 2014, a small intervention was undertaken in the building with a courtyard of Severan date, perhaps a 6th century A.D. foundation (see 2013 report), which reused extraordinary white marble sculpture fragments as aggregate in the concrete. The portrait of Septimius Severus and a young girl of late-Severan date had already been found. In 2014, more statue fragments were recovered: four other members of the Imperial Severan and late-Severan families (only one may possibly be a mid 3rd century A.D. emperor), a double herm and a three-headed herm probably of Hadrianic date, a headless statue of Hermes, seven busts and a fragment from large high-relief with a loricate figure.
- Clementina Panella - Sapienza-Università di Roma 
- Clementina Panella - Sapienza Università di Roma
- Alessandra Pegurri - Sapienza Università di Roma
- Emanuele Brienza - Università Kore
- Francesca Romana Fiano - Sapienza Università di Roma
- Giordano Iacomelli - Sapienza Università di Roma
- Giulia Schwarz - Sapienza Università di Roma
- Lucia Saguì - Sapienza Università di Roma
- Marta Casalini - Sapienza Università di Roma
- Paolo Rosati - Università di Chieti
- Viviana Cardarelli - Sapienza Università di Roma
- Gabriele Soranna
- Jacopo De Grossi Mazzorin – Università del Salento
- Matilde Cante
- Sara Carraro– ISCR
- Giovanna Marangoni
- Lino Traini
- Marco Fano
- Antonia Arnoldus Huyzendveld - Studio Digiter-Roma
- Salvatore Piro - ITABC - CNR
- Alessandra Celant - Sapienza Università di Roma
- Laura Orlandi - Sapienza-Università di Roma
- Martina Ravello Sami
- Sheila Cherubini
- Antonio F. Ferrandes - Sapienza Università di Roma
- Giacomo Pardini - Università degli Studi di Salerno
Research Body
- Sapienza - Università di Roma
Funding Body
- Grandi Scavi Ateneo
- Sapienza-Università di Roma
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