Summary (English)
Investigations on the north-eastern corner of the Palatine, between the present via Sacra, the Piazza del Colosseo, “Vigna B” and the “Baths of Heliogabalus”, envisage excavations and surveys (geo-electric and geo-radar).
To date the evidence from the three areas (I to the west, II to the north-east, III to the south-east) ranges from the proto-Republican period up to the present day, documenting a monumental evolution which is closely connected to the road linking the valley of the Colosseum to the Palatine, Velia and Forum.
Evidence form the earliest period remains rare but of interest: 1) an impluvium in cappellaccio (with cistern below?), 2) a proto-Republican bothros with a votive deposit of the Orientalizing/mid-Republican period, 3) the remains of walls of probable domus, 4) a late-Republican well (the investigations are still in a preliminary phase) built in peperino which also contains a fill with material relating to a sacred context.
From the late-Republican period the topography becomes legible: to the west of a tufa wall, which delimits a public complex, was a house in opus incertum with an impluvium and geometric mosaic pavements. This building was substituted at the end of the Republican period by a domus constructed in opus reticulatun with travertine pilasters. It was fronted on the street by tabernae which evolved until the fire of 64 A.D.
At this point the area became part of the project for the Domus Aurea, with the porticoed road leading towards the Velian atrium which delimits to the south the terracing built above parallel vaulted corridors.
The Flavian dynasty completed the project making slight alterations and adding what was probably a small temple, faced in marble, situated towards the Colosseum. The eastern area of this complex survived until the late antique period, whilst to the west a complex was added in the Hadrianic period which was then substituted by the “Baths of Heligobalus”.After the fall of the Western Empire use of the road between the Colosseum and the Forum continued, alongside which rose a brick-built public building (church?) with a small underground room dating to between the 6th to 8th century A.D.
There is evidence for large scale robbing (holes and tunnels) between the 13th and 18th centuries and finally, between the 18th and 20th centuries evidence of a few structures relating to the realization of the archaeological area.
- Clementina Panella - Sapienza-Università di Roma
- Antonio Francesco Ferrandes - Sapienza-Università di Roma
- Francesca Cesari
- Viviana Carbonara
- Giacomo Pardini - Sapienza-Università di Roma
- Emanuele Brienza
- Irene Iacopi - Soprintendenza archeologica di Roma
- Matilde Cante
- Sabina Zeggio - Roma Capitale-Sovraintendenza ai Beni Culturali
- Salvatore Piro - Istituto tecnologie applicate ai beni Culturali CNR
- Antonia Arnoldus Huyzendveld - Società Digiter-Roma
- Elena Gabriella Lorenzetti
- Silvia Di Santo
Research Body
Funding Body
- Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
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