Summary (English)
In the summer of 2017, research continued on the site of Tannetum, the results of which provided the basis for the reconstruction of the occupation phases within this territory. In fact, during last year’s survey, a large area (1.7 ha) was identified with scattered material of Celtic culture dating to the middle and late Iron Age (4th-3rd century B.C.).
The 2017 survey, carried out in collaboration with the Gruppo Storico-Archeologico val d’Enza, confirmed this chronology with further finds of decorated pottery and a bronze fibula. A sondage was opened, which showed that an anomaly in an aerial photograph corresponded with the presence of a structure, unfortunately only preserved at foundation level. This was a square structure ( 3.10 × 3.10 m) built of unbaked brick. Further excavation is required before an interpretation can be attempted.
Research also continued in the locality of Bertana, where last year several early imperial layers were identified, partially overlying anomalies seen on aerial photographs. The site was confirmed as being of particular interest. Another layer, similar to those from the previous year, was identified and two late antique burials were uncovered. A geomagnetic survey revealed the presence of other burials that will be investigated in coming seasons. Nearby, a small sondages revealed the presence of a cobblestone surface suggesting the presence of a Roman road or a paved open area.
Lastly, a sondage was opened in the locality of “Castellazzo”, where excavations in the 1950s discovered structures that remained without an interpretation or dating. Here, a tower was identified (c. 8 × 13 m), which was part of a large fortress. One of the entrances to the “Rocca” was also identified, characterised by three different types of paving: one part was beaten earth, another a cobbled surface and the other a gravel surface. A deep trench was opened immediately outside the structure, which revealed a square-sectioned timber post deeply embedded in the ground, just below the foundation level of the tower. One interpretation of this find is that it was part of pileworking put in to consolidate the terrain prior to the fort’s construction. A sample of the timber was sent to Georgia University for C14 dating, which gave a result of 857 A.D. (+-25 years), the first certain date that can be given to this struture after centuries of debate.
- Paolo Storchi- Sapienza Università di Roma 
- Jesper Carlsen
- Luisa Migliorati - Sapienza Università Roma
- J. Schwarz-Nielsen – Università di Copenaghen
- L. Marsicano –Sapienza Università di Roma
- Paolo Storchi- Università Roma 1 La Sapienza
- P. Blockley – Ra. Ga Ricerca Archeologica geofisica applicata
- P. Cossentino –Università di Bologna
- Antonella Pansini - –Sapienza Università di Roma
- G. Carosi –Sapienza Università di Roma
- Ilaria Trivelloni - –Sapienza Università di Roma
- M. Camorani – G.S.T. snc servizi topografici
Research Body
- Sapienza Università di Roma
- Syddansk Universitet di Odense
Funding Body
- - Italsughero/Fratelli Correggi, Montecchio (RE)
- Agriturismo Arco Antico, Taneto (RE)
- Associazione Culturale Tannetum
- Autocarrozzeria Capelli (RE)
- Comune di Gattatico
- Comune di S. Ilario d’Enza
- Famiglia Artistica Reggiana, Far Studium Regiense pres. Carlo Baldi (RE)
- GST snc servizi topografici di Marco Camorani
- Gruppo Storico Archeologico val d’Enza
- Mondo Verde, Garden Center Taneto (RE) –fam. Salati-
- Ra. Ga. Ricerca Archeologica Geofisica Applicata