Summary (English)
ODESSOS (Alexander Minchev –, Valeri Yotov) Part of a large building constructed in opus mixtum was discovered. It had two entrances from the east. Sector of the northern wall 1 m wide was discovered. It had three pilasters from the inner side, two of them supporting an arched niche. A base of a square pillar that supported the second floor was situated against the second pilaster. A sector of the eastern wall with a pliaster that shaped the northeastern entrance was discovered. The finds dated to the 4th – 6th centuries AD an included sherds from amphorae, one of them of the Gaza Type, fragments from bricks, tegulae and imbrices, a fragment of a marble late Corinthian capital, fragments from marble tiles from floor, two bronze coins. The building was situated close to the ancient harbor of Odessos and was a warehouse or a shop.
- Alexander Minchev - Regional Museum of History – Varna 
- Valeri Yotov - Regional Museum of History – Varna 
Research Body
- Regional Museum of History - Varna