Summary (English)
PLISKA (Pavel Georgiev –, Tihomir Tihov, Gergana Ilieva, Radoslav Vasilev) In Trench XXI, six sunken-floored houses (Nos. 15 – 20) were explored. Two ovens were discovered in House No. 15; an iron ax, a lead plate-amulet with a Cyrillic inscription containing a prayer against fever and sherds of the end of the 10th – beginning of the 11th century AD were found. Sherds of the 10th century AD were found in House No. 17. An earlier occupation period during the 10th century AD was identified in the quarter, attested with Houses No. 4 and Nos. 17 – 20. A building constructed of stones of the middle of the 11th century AD was explored; two Christian graves belonging to a baby and a small child were excavated close to it. Two storage pits (Nos. 17 and 18) were explored. Four trenches of timber fences of the second half of the 9th – beginning of the 10th century AD were documented. A building of the first half of the 9th century AD was explored, 7 m wide and over 20 m long, consisting of three sunken-floored rooms with walls faced with timber boards. Postholes were discovered; they accommodated wooden posts that supported the roof. A large stone stove and an oven, up to 1.70 m in diameter, were discovered in the central room. Another similar oven was discovered in the western room as well. The rooms were used as workshops and living quarters.
- Tihomir Tihov - Regional Museum of History – Shumen 
- Gergana Ilieva - Regional Museum of History – Shumen 
- Radoslav Vasilev - Archaeological Institute with Museum 
- Pavel Georgiev - Shumen Branch of the Archaeological Institute and Museum
Research Body
- Archaeological Institute with Museum
- Regional Museum of History – Shumen
- Shumen Branch of the Archaeological Institute and Museum