Summary (English)
EXPLORATIONS IN PLISKA (Pavel Georgiev –, Radoslav Vasilev) An area of c. 350 sq. m was explored. Three foundation trenches (two of them with a Г-like layout) from the northern line of the Large Fortification were discovered in sondage IX. The northern trench surrounded the Small Timber Fortification. The other Г-like trench shaped the northwestern corner of the Large Fortification. The foundation trenches had beds for palisades and foundations of clay and stones. The transverse trenches explored in 2006 shaped an entryway between the Small and the Large Fortification, over 3.50 m wide. Layers over a rectangular platform, dug into the ground, were excavated in sondage XIV. The walls of the platform had wood seatings. The upper layer contained materials of the 10th – 11th centuries. The southeastern corner of the Small Fortification was situated under the central part of the platform. A chamber of bricks, 38 cm by 34 cm in size and 30 cm in depth, was discovered under the platform. Two rectangular pits with stone stoves built inside were explored. The finds include pottery and a bronze earring of the first half of the 9th century AD. The outer trench of the Large Fortification was documented. The southwestern corner of the Small Fortification and the surrounding outer trench of the Large Fortification were discovered in sondage XV. The Small Fortification was enlarged to the south during its incorporation in the Timber Fortress. A foundation trench of a timber building was documented to the west of the Small Fortification. The building was removed before the construction of the Large Fortification. Pottery of the 8th – 9th centuries AD was found. Routes of timber fences from the second half of the 9th to the middle of the 11th centuries were traced. A burned building, a semi-dug sunken-floored house and midden pits were explored. The finds include pottery of the first half of the 11th century, anonymous Byzantine folles of class C and D, and a bronze exagia.
- Pavel Georgiev - Shumen Branch of the Archaeological Institute and Museum 
- Radoslav Vasilev - Archaeological Institute with Museum 
Research Body
- Shumen Branch of the Archaeological Institute and Museum
Funding Body
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