Summary (English)
In 2004 the excavations were continued in several places. The investigations included the area of the western entrance to Asseria, from the Late Antique wall towards the propugnaculum and the forum, then the area NE of “Trajan`s” gateway, in front of the northern section of the Late Republican city walls, and in the eastern part of the city by the gateway. Three graves were found close to the northern section of the city walls and the Late Antique vaulted grave. The first grave was built of spolia and dressed stone blocks, and covered with stone slabs. It can be dated to the end of the 5th or beginning of the 6th century. The other two burials date to the end of the 4th century and the 5th century. One of them was roofed with tegulae, and the other was a child burial in amphora. No grave offerings were found. In the eastern part of the city, in the immediate vicinity of the gateway, the excavations of service buildings were continued. Numerous fragments of pottery, remains of frescoes and mosaic tesserae were found. The outer facing of the wall was preserved up to the height of more than two meters. (Marko Sinobad)
- Students - Sveučilište u Zadru, Odjel za arheologiju
Research Body
- Muzej antičkog stakla
Funding Body
- Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske
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