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  • Tusculum
  • Tuscolo
  • Tusculum
  • Italy
  • Lazio
  • Rome
  • Monte Porzio Catone



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

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  • No period data has been added yet


    • The ancient city of Tusculum stood on a plateau, circa 30 km from Rome, whence it had a strategic view over the valley ahead. In ancient times the Via Latina passed through the valley, forming the main communication route between Latium and Campania be... Read More
    • The excavations concentrated on two sectors: the forum area and the suburban area.

      In the area south of the forum the 2002 excavation provided a better understanding of the great tufa podium of archaic date, preserved at the southern edge of the ex

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    • The excavations in 2005 concentrated on the theatre zone and the area south of the forum basilica. The results obtained were of great significance.

      In the theatre area the trench put in between the eastern edge of the cavea and the monumental cistern

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    • Work on the Tusculum project resumed in September 2008.

      The main aim of the field work was to provide answers to the questions that had arisen during the previous campaigns. Work towards the 2011 publication of the excavation results also began.


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    • Forum – South-western sector

      The main aim of the 2009 campaign was to bring to light the ancient monumental access to the town for those who approached from the south, along a basalt paved road which climbed up to Tusculum from the via Latina. In ord

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    • The 2012 campaign was concentrated in the area of the Rocca. The excavations, survey and topographical documentation involved three zones: a) Podium/palace area; b) Town walls (north and east side); c) East terrace (medieval quarter).

      a) In the area

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    • La campagna archeologica 2013 rientra nel più vasto progetto di ricerca “Tusculum en época medieval: territorio, paisaje, economía y sociedad” (PIE n. 201210E033), inaugurato nel 2012.

      La ricerca sul campo è stata condotta dando ampio spazio alle analis

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    • This was the 16th excavation campaign undertaken by the EEHAR on the ancient site of Tusculum, the third dedicated to the medieval occupation phases (PIE n. 201210E033). Excavations took place in the area of the Rocca and the Villa di Prastina Pacato (fig.... Read More
    • Quella che si è svolta quest’anno è stata la diciassettesima campagna archeologica diretta dalla EEHAR-CSIC a Tusculum, la quarta specificamente dedicata alla ricostruzione delle fasi di vita medievali nell’ambito del progetto multidisciplinare avviato nel... Read More
    • Lo scavo ha avuto una durata di 4 settimane (27 giugno – 23 luglio) e ha interessato le aree dell’antica acropoli (settore R3000) e del pianoro antistante il foro romano (settore G1000). Precedentemente, durante il mese di maggio, l’area del pianoro è stat... Read More
    • The 21st campaign of excavations at Tusculum undertaken by EEHAR-CSIC saw the opening of two new areas in the western part of the city (O1000 and O2000), a trench in the baths area (sector G) (Fig. 1), a surface survey in the surrounding territory and a ... Read More
  • 1300 BC
  • 600 BC
  • 400 AD
  • 900 AD
  • 1200 AD