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  • Fondo Paparusso
  • Soleto
  • Soletum
  • Italy
  • Apulia
  • Provincia di Lecce
  • Soleto



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

  • AIAC_logo logo



  • No period data has been added yet


    • The Fondo Paparusso, is a large field used for the cultivation of cereals and vegetables. To the north it is bordered by the Messapian walls of Soleto and to the south by Le Fontanelle, an important natural spring until it was polluted a few decades ago. F... Read More
    • On the basis of the data produced by the trial trench opened in 2002 an open area excavation was undertaken. This identified a tomb filled with earth and covered with a stone slab, still in situ although damaged by a plough. The burial floor was a layer ri... Read More
    • The open area excavation concentrated on the area around the Messapian road which was subsequently resurfaced and widened towards the south in the Roman period (overall width circa 4 m).

      North of the road, in a space delimited by a low dry-stone wall, a

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    • Work to expose the structures of Republican and Imperial date was completed, revealing the footing of the south wall built of reused materials (re-cut squared carparo blocks). South of the building a second road was intercepted with the remains of a surfac... Read More
    • The excavation concentrated on the area around a Messapian road running approximately parallel to the second Messapian curtain wall, whose internal face was situated circa 15 m to the north of the road. In the eastern part of the fondo, the area south of t... Read More
    • The excavation of the area identified in 2009 was completed confirming the Messapian date of the road bed. The loose foundations of a 3rd century B.C. Messapian house were also investigated.

      A preliminary investigation of the western part of the propert

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    • The house of the dominus comprised four rooms. The central room was paved with opus spicatum of tiles in mortar. To the north, was a small tank below a portico, lined with a double layer of waterproof plaster, it had four steps leading down into it and... Read More
  • 900 BC
  • 300 BC
  • 50 BC