- No period data has been added yet
- The Neyzats cemetery is located in the center of the Crimean foothills, 20 km eastward from Simferopol, 1.0-1.5 km southeast Balanovo village.Regular excavations of site have been conducted since 1996 (except for 1998). Over these years, 352 burials have ... Read More
- In 2009 archaeologists found 39 funeral constructions dated II-IVth century, including 19 underground graves, 19 undercut graves and a crypt at the area of three sites of the Neisats Cemetery. Two underground graves were intended for burying horses. Anot... Read More
- Neyzats cemetery is located in the center of the Crimean foothill. Regular studying of site have been conducted since 1996. Over these years were discovered 459 burial constructions. In 2010 excavations continued to investigate the four areas of the cem... Read More
- 1800 BC
- 1000 BC
- 800 BC
- 100 AD
- 175 AD