- No period data has been added yet
- Insula VII,14 was first discovered in 1820 and, from 1838 was the subject of investigations that included the exploration of the shops/workshops. Here, taking advantage of the holes in the flooring, caused by the Bourbon excavations, Genova University ha... Read More
- During the 2017 campaign, excavation continued in some areas investigated last year (shops/workshops accessible at street numbers. 1, 3, 4) and new excavations were opened inside the accessible rooms at street numbers 7 and 8. In the area of the shop/works... Read More
- During the 2018 campaign, research continued in the shops/workshops accessible from street numbers 1 and 2 and 8. Inside the shop/workshop at street number 1 (room 1.2) the excavations exposed patches of stratigraphy datable to between the late 1st century... Read More
- During this campaign, excavations continued in the workshops/shops accessible from rooms 1 and 3 and the preliminary cleaning continued of the stratigraphy preserved in the workshops/shops accessible from street numbers 10 and 11. The remains of a producti... Read More
- 900 BC
- 300 BC
- 79 AD