  • Guado San Nicola
  • Colle delle Api


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    • 300000 BC - 200000 BC


      • The site of Guado San Nicola at Monteroduni was first brought to notice in 2005 when the sig.ra Leone, owner of the land, found a biface lithic and a number of other retouched stone artefacts. The first archaeological investigation took place in 2008, followed by an excavation in 2009 which aimed to gain further knowledge of the paleolithic site. Given the particular typology of the finds this site provides a useful reference point for the reconstruction of the methods of land exploitation and the settlement strategies adopted by the groups of prehistoric men in the Monteroduni area. An area of circa 40 m2 was investigated revealing a stratigraphic sequence constituted by a succession of levels of fluvial-lacustral origin (gravels, sands and clays) alternating with sediments of volcanic origin (tufa), some in primary deposition, containing paleontological and prehistoric material. The site was characterised by the discovery, in a relatively restricted area, of an abundant lithic industry of Acheulean attribution, characterised by the presence of numerous biface tools (about 50) associated with flakes, cores, tools and hammerstones. The biface tools were constituted by complete tools, points and proximal fragments, of extremely variable dimensions probably in relation to the morphology of the raw material used and the amount of retouching undertaken. They were characterised by the accurate preparation of the points and of at least one of the edges. The stone artefacts had been made using stone and bone (deer antlers) hammers, flint striking platforms such as small slabs, small limestone blocks, and small to medium limestone cobbles. Only in a few cases did the collected materials shown slight signs of having been washed down a river. The faunal material was characterised by the presence of dental and diaphisis fragments. Numerous antler remains were also present in the form of basal, rod and dagger fragments. The paleontological analyses of the macrovertebrate remains revealed the presence of deer, elephant, aurochs, Merk rhinoceros, horse and bear. The cervids in general were numerous, represented by antlers attributable to small deer (e.g. roe and fallow deer) and very large specimens such as the megaceros. Therefore, this was fauna from a warm climate where the river was certainly a geomophological element of great importance. The presence of large herbivores was favoured by open vegetation rich in pastures, which allowed horses and pachyderms to survive, whilst in the wetter areas the vegetation was thicker providing cover for cervids and rhinoceros. As regards evidence of human activity, intentional fracturing was seen on diverse fragments of diaphises and on one fragment of auroch radius. The latter also showed a thin linear striation sub-parallel to the long axis of the bone resulting from an intentional cut made with a lithic tool.
      • The 2010 campaign, undertaken between 24th May and 30th July, saw the participation of both Italian and foreign students. The same stratigraphic sequence was uncovered as already seen in previous years. This comprised a succession of levels of fluvial-lacustral origin (gravels, sands and clays) interspersed with sediments of volcanic origin (tufa) some in primary deposition, containing abundant paleontological and prehistoric material. The site was planned and the stratigraphy of the materials documented using a total-station GEO-TOP GTS 605. A large amount of lithic material was collected, characterised by the presence of numerous bifacial artefacts in flint and limestone, associated with flakes and nucleuses, implements - mainly scrappers and denticulated artefacts - and hammers. An abundance of fauna was represented by the teeth and diaphises of large herbivores including cervids, rhinoceros, elephants, oxen and horses. Of particular interest was the find of numerous remains of deer antlers, including base segments with rosette, shaft fragments and numerous dagger fragments. The archeo-zoological study identified butchery marks made with lithic implements. Samples were taken from various layers for sedimentological, palinological and radiometric analyses. For the radiometric dating five sediment samples were taken in the immediate vicinity of dental remains which had been previously selected using specific instrumentation for the measurement of radiation decay. Great care was taken in the conservation of the bone finds as the remains were in various states of preservation caused by post-depositional phenomena. The excavation data has been used to create an alphanumerical database which can be cross-checked with the database containing all the codes relating to the RA record sheets recognised by the Minstero per i Beni Culturali computerised system. All plans were interfaced with the record sheet database using Arcview, which manages the collected data in a geo-referenced system capable of undertaking spatial distribution and statistical analyses.
      • Le attività di scavo sono state rivolte alla definizione particolareggiata dei depositi esplorati negli anni scorsi, con particolare attenzione ai livelli antropici, anche attraverso la raccolta di campioni per analisi di laboratorio. Si sono, inoltre, approfonditi gli aspetti geomorfologici dell’area sulla quale insiste il giacimento per comprendere le modalità di formazione dell’intera sequenza posta in luce con lo scavo. Per questo motivo sono state riaperte le aree esplorate negli anni scorsi, è stata realizzata una trincea di raccordo, sono stati realizzati quattro nuovi sondaggi per la verifica del contesto stratigrafico, si è attuata una prospezione del territorio fino al fiume Volturno. Queste attività hanno consentito di precisare la successione stratigrafica di seguito descritta dal basso verso l’alto: US E - Conglomerato grossolano di ciottoli di calcare e di selce con frazione varia, in matrice sabbiosa, con limite superiore troncato, erosivo e cementato; presenta un’ampia distribuzione, riconducibile ad una piana alluvionale. Rappresenta un deposito fluviale di fiume maturo a elevata energia con direzione della corrente verso Nord, contraria a quella attuale del Volturno, almeno nell’area dello scavo indagata. US D – Limi e sabbie riferibili a tre episodi, anche a stratigrafia incrociata, che dal basso verso l’alto hanno spessori di 7,10 e 40 cm.; presenza di rari ciottoli arrotondati di calcare e di selce. US C – Colata di depositi ricchi di materiali vulcanici dello spessore medio di 80 cm.; non si esclude la possibilità di azioni idriche del tutto occasionali e la messa in posto di depositi vulcanici primari. Notevole presenza di reperti preistorici talvolta con evidenti tracce di fluitazione. US B - Colata di detrito dello spessore di circa 20 cm., formatasi in più fasi, con energia più consistente rispetto alle US sottostanti; abbondante presenza di resti dell’attività antropica soprattutto nella frazione inferiore. I manufatti litici sono privi, fatte poche eccezioni, di trasporto postdeposizionale. US A – Sedimenti limoso argillosi, con anfiboli e miche, contenenti sporadici ciottoli di calcare di dimensioni ce ntimetriche; spessore compreso tra i 20 e 40 cm. con limite inferiore netto e ondulato; il tetto è sub-orizzontale, erosivo. US “tufo” – Deposito vulcanico sterile, con spessore medio di 60 cm., contenente grosse pomici in matrice fine con cristalli di feldspati, miche. I limiti inferiore e superiore sono netti. Si avanza l’ipotesi che l’uomo abbia frequentato quest’area per approvigionarsi della selce per la produzione di strumenti. Infatti l’area si caratterizza per antiche erosioni che hanno messo in luce i livelli ghiaiosi della US E ricchi di lastrine fluitate, anche di ragguardevoli dimensioni. Questa ipotesi bene si accorda con la presenza di numerose colate di terra e/o di detrito lungo un versante in erosione, con i ricoprimenti rapidi delle evidenze antropiche. Nell’ambito dei resti paleontologi particolarmente frequenti sono i resti appartenenti a cavallo e cervidi. L’industria litica è riconducibile all’Acheuleano; numerosi sono i bifacciali associati a strumenti su scheggia quali raschiatoi e denticolati, talvolta anche di buona fattura. Si annoverano materiali riconducili all’ambito levallois.
      • The investigation covered an area of about 40 m2 and identified a stratigraphic sequence comprising a succession of levels of fluvio-lacustrine origin (gravels, sands, and clays), interspersed with volcanic sediments (tufts and cinerites) also in primary deposition, containing paleontological and prehistoric material. The deposit contained abundant lithic industry characterised by flakes, cores, tools and hammers, above all a substantial number of bifacial tools (about 100), implements typical of the Acheulean period that are often difficult to find and whose function is much debated. Abundant faunal remains were associated with the lithic industry, suggesting the presence in the ancient landscape of large herbivores including deer, bovines, horses, rhinoceros, and elephants. These species would have lived in an open environment in which the river (the present Volturno) also represented a vital point of reference for groups of humans. The presence of large herbivores was favoured by open vegetation, rich in pastures suitable for horses and pachyderms, while in the more humid areas the vegetation was denser and provided refuge for deer and rhinos. Butchery marks were present on animal bones, caused by the stone tools used to remove the flesh, and some bones had been deliberately fractured so that the marrow could be removed. As well as representing an important point of reference for Italian and European prehistory with regard to bifacial tools, the site of Guado S. Nicola is of great interest with regard to geology as it can be defined a_geosite_, that is, a natural asset of particular scientific value characterised by the presence of natural elements providing invaluable contributions to the understanding of the territory’s (not only the Molise) geological history.
      • In July 2013, the University of Ferrara carried out geological and pedological investigations in the area of the site of Guado San Nicola (Monteroduni, Isernia). Particular attention was focused on the stratigraphy and samples were taken for laboratory analysis. A _sondage_ was opened at the top of the terrace on which the finds were made. This intervention improved knowledge of the clearly divided stratigraphy that was over two metres deep, situated on the fluvial terrace at the end of the ancient fan of the Lorda Torrent. The base of the sequence was formed by coarse alluvial sediments that indicated a course formed by intertwined channels in rapid aggradation during a cold and arid climatic phase. At the top of the deposit, the archaeological levels were contained in alternating gravelly and sandy layers, some with pyroclastic sediment. The sedimentary structures indicated wandering courses or meanders and thus indicate a substantial improvement in climate. A heavily leached and rubefied paleo-surface was present at the top of the sequence. The lithic, morphological, and pedological-stratigraphical evidence seemed to suggest the context related to the Final Interglacial period, but the dating of the three overlying litho-stratigraphic units carried out using the 40Ar/39Ar method on sanidine crystals gave the following results: unit US C (400±9 ka), US B (379±8 ka) and US TUFO (345±9 ka). The antiquity of the site was confirmed by a combined uranium-thorium (U-TH) and electron spin resonance (ESR) dating carried out on six horse and rhinoceros teeth from the archaeological levels in US C and B. An average age of 364±36 ka was obtained, and in accordance with the 40Ar/39Ar dating would seem to suggest the attribution of the context to the end of the MIS 11. Such an attribution was also confirmed by the presence of _Cervus_ _elaphus_ _acoronatus_ and by the technical and typological characteristics of the lithic industry recovered. The faunal assemblage from US C and B also included _Ursus_ sp., _Elephas_ sp., _Equus_ sp., _Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis_, _Megaloceros_ sp., _Cervus elaphus acoronatus_, and _Bos primigenius_, which indicates that the climate was temperate to hot. The paleontological finds were characterized by the presence of striations and intentional breaks produced during the removal of the bone marrow and meat. The abundance of shed deer antlers seemed to relate to their use as hammers for flaking lithics. The lithics recovered from US C and B were affected by the sedimentary processes. This phenomenon was less noticeable for the materials in US B, which were well-preserved although they had suffered slight dislocation and redistribution. The finds had been obtained from the use of poor quality plates that showed the presence of intrusions and preferential fracturing surfaces. Bifacial flints of varying shapes and sizes, often well-worked at the pointed end and almost always with an un-worked base were common. The chipped striking platforms were characterized by the presence of Levallois artefacts. Lithics on limestone striking platforms were also found.
      • Excavations were carried out by Ferrara University (directed by Prof. C. Peretto) on the Palaeolithic site of Guado San Nicola at Monteroduni (IS) between 2008-2011. To date the research has led to the reconstruction of the site’s palaeo-environmental, geo-morphological, and chronological contexts, and of the subsistence strategies, technological abilities, and economy of the hominids that frequented the area during the middle Pleistocene, between 400,000 and 350,000 years ago. The interdisciplinary nature of the studies, with contributions by specialists from national and international universities and institutions has confirmed the importance of this site. Its relevance is not limited just to the local context but is of European and extra-European significance given the wealth of documentation and evidence for innovative cultural elements such as the command of the Levallois method. The presence of the Levallois method, which traditionally marks the transition between the Lower Palaeolithic and Middle Palaeolithic in Europe that as present knowledge stands is dated to no earlier than 350.000-300.000 years ago. Therefore, given its antiquity Guado San Nicola, constitutes one of the key sites in the debate on the origins of Middle Palaeolithic cultural complexes and their relationship with earlier complexes. Given the site’s importance, specific analyses and studies were undertaken during this season in order to further investigate the aspects of greatest interest. Following the organisation and revision of the lithic and palaeontological material, a detailed programme was drawn up for the analysis of microtraces and functionality of the lithic industry, supported by experiments in flaking using hard and soft hammer stones. Detailed archaeo-zoological analyses were also carried out, with particular reference to the identification of butchery marks, morpho-types of intentional fractures and percussion bulbs. The presence of percussion marks on four sets of deer antlers is probable the result of their use as hammers for flaking stone, a suggestion supported by the characteristics of the lithic industry. The analyses and experimental archaeology will provide a better definition of the use of technology, the abilities, choices, and production needs of the groups of humans occupying the area of Monteroduni in the Middle Pleistocene, comparing the results with those known in the rest of Europe. Particular attention was paid to spatial analysis, examining the distribution of the finds and their density, integrating the data regarding the lithic and faunal assemblages with the spatial and taphonomic data, in order to identify possible concentrations of anthropic origin. Wet sieving was carried out in order to collect the remains of micro-mammals that could contribute to a more precise chronological and palaeo-environmental picture of the site. Lastly, a survey was made in the zone around the study area with the aim of identifying possible sources for raw material.
      • The site of Guado San Nicola (Monteroduni, Molise) is dated to 379 ± 8 Ka (MIS 11/MIS 10) based on the radiometric data (40Ar/39Ar, ESR-U/Th), which are compatible with the faunal assemblage (including Cervus elaphus acoronatus, Equus ferus). The lithic industry was characterized by very early evidence of the Levallois technique – which conventionally marks the limit between the Lower Palaeolithic and the Middle Palaeolithic periods in Europe – within a substantially Acheulean context, with the presence of numerous bifacial artefacts of varying forms and size. For these reasons, Guado San Nicola constitutes one of the most important sites for evidence regarding the origin of Middle Palaeolithic cultural complexes. During 2016, checks continued of the stratigraphy exposed by erosion and agricultural work, and a survey was undertaken with a view to future research. Particular attention was focused on the agricultural situation in the area next to the excavations and several palaeontological and lithic artefacts were recovered. A survey was also made of the area surrounding the excavation to look for possible sources of raw materials. Laboratory activity with the analysis of the palaentological and lithic finds took place the same time as the fieldwork. Of particular interest the functional study and trace evidence of the lithic finds, supported by experimenting flaking with hard and soft hammer stones obtained from pieces of deer antler. In effect, a particular characteristic of the deposit is the evidence for the use of the soft percussion implement for flaking attested by the characteristics of the flakes found in the stratigraphic context. The study of the faunal remains showed the relationship with human activity, especially the presence butchery marks.


      • M. Arzarello, A. Minelli, A. Di Nucci, C. Peretto, 2009, I bifacciali di Monteroduni. Un sito acheuleano di occupazione?, in ArcheoMolise 1: 6-15.
      • M. Arzarello, C. Peretto, 2006, L’Acheuleano di Colle delle Api: l’industria litica. In: Peretto C., Minelli A. (a cura di), Preistoria in Molise. Gli insediamenti del territorio di Isernia. CERP, Collana Ricerche 3, Aracne Editrice, Roma: 139-142.
      • R. Orain, V. Lebreton, E. Russo Ermolli, A.-M. Sémah, S. Nomade, Q. Shao, J.-J. Bahain, U. Thun Hohenstein, C. Peretto, 2012, Hominin responses to environmental changes during the Middle Pleistocene in central and southern Italy. GÖTTINGEN: COPERNICUS PUBL., CLIMATE OF THE PAST DISCUSSIONS: 5181-5207.
      • Peretto C., Arzarello M., Bahain J-J., Coltorti M., De Bonis A., Douville E., Falguères C., Frank N., Garcia T., Lembo G., Morra V., Muttillo B., Nomade S., Qingfeng Shao, Perrotta A., Pieruccini P., Rufo MA., Sala B., Scarpati C., Thun Hohenstein U., Tessari U., Turrini M. C., Vaccaro C. (2013). L'occupazione umana del Pleistocene medio di Guado San Nicola (Monteroduni, Molise). XX Congresso nazionale Associazione Antropologica Italiana, volume preprints, Ferrara 2013.
      • C. Peretto, M. Arzarello, JJ Bahain, N. Boulbes, E. Douville, C. Falguères, N. Frank, T. Garcia, G. Lembo, AM. Moigne, B. Muttillo, S. Nomade, Q. Shao, B. Sala, U. Thun Hohenstein, U. Tessari, MC. Turrini, C. Vaccaro, 2014, 'Il Paleolitico in Molise. Nuovi dati dal sito di Guado San Nicola a Monteroduni (IS)' in ArcheoMolise, anno VI, n. 20: 6-15.
      • B. Muttillo, G. Lembo, C. Peretto, C (eds) 2014, L’insediamento a bifacciali di Guado S. Nicola, Monteroduni, Molise, Italia, Annali dell’Università di Ferrara, Mus. Sci. Nat., vol. 10/1.
      • C. Peretto, M. Arzarello, JJ Bahain, M. Coltorti, A. De Bonis, E. Douville, C. Falguères, N. Frank, T. Garcia, G. Lembo, V. Morra, B. Muttillo, S. Nomade, S. Qingfeng,S. Perrotta, P. Pieruccini,MA Rufo, B. Sala, C. Scarpati, U. Thun Hohenstein, U. Tessari, MC. Turrini, C. Vaccaro, 2014, L’occupazione umana del Pleistocene medio di Guado San Nicola (Monteroduni, Molise)’, in J Arnaud, M Arzarello & C Peretto (eds.), Atti del XX Congresso degli Antropologi Italiani, Annali dell’Università di Ferrara, Mus. Sci. Nat., vol. 9/2 (2014), in press.
      • A. Pereira, S. Nomade, Q. Shao, J.J. Bahain, M. Arzarello, E. Douville, C. Falguères, N. Fran, T. Garcia, G. Lembo, B. Muttillo, V. Scao, C. Peretto, 2016, 40Ar/39Ar and ESR/U-series dates for Guado San Nicola, Middle Pleistocene key site at the Lower/Middle Palaeolithic transition in Italy. Quaternary Geochronology, 36, 67-75
      • J. Arnaud, M. Arzarello, G. Lembo, B. Muttillo, C. Peretto, E. Rufo, c.d.s., ‘Between “vintage” and “avant-guard”, the Lower Palaeolithic settlements in Molise region (Italy)’, in Quaternary International.