  • Barengo
  • Barengo
  • Italy
  • Piedmont
  • Province of Novara
  • Barengo


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 100 AD - 600 AD


    • Two trenches were opened in order to check the development of the site that was partially investigated in 1990. _Trench 1_ Immediately above the sterile sandy deposit, occupation levels were documented characterised by the presence of coarseware pottery, tile fragments, pottery wasters and charcoal. This material seemed to indicate the presence of a kiln, however its structures were not uncovered during the excavation. During the second occupation phase a small vertical kiln was built, with a circular firing chamber and central support, similar to the Cuomo di Caprio type 1/a. The abandonment of this structure was attested by the deposition of a substantial clay layer, probably the result of a violent landslide from the hillside above, which obliterated the kiln, on top of which the structures characterising the next phase were built. In the third phase a single-roomed structure was built (partially excavated). The interior, apparently without partitions, was paved with intact sesquipedales, probably made on the site. The deposits abutting the walls on the outside were rich in charcoal and baked clay, suggesting the continuation of production activities in the immediate vicinity of the building. A preliminary survey of the pottery from the deposits in phase with the structure suggests it was in use in the late 4th century. The collapse of the imbrices from the roof attests the definitive fall into disuse of the building. This was followed by a period of temporary abandonment of the site during which the ruins were obliterated by a colluvial deposit about 30 cm deep, which however left parts of the structure visible. During the course of the fourth and final phase a wall on an east-west alignment was built on the northern perimeter wall of the earlier structure. This constituted the dividing wall of a rectangular building with two quadrangular rooms. The rather irregular walls were built of cobbles and occasional tile fragments bonded with clay. A preliminary examination of the material from the layers in phase with the structure, suggest it was occupied between the end of the 5th and first half of the 6th century. No evidence was found to show that production activities continued in the area during the final phase which, following a period of abandonment, may have taken on a different, perhaps only residential, function. _Trench 2_ This trench revealed a much less articulated situation. The south-western corner of a room was uncovered, whose walls were constituted by tile fragments (imbrices) bonded with clay. The interior was characterised by a sand and minute gravel floor, at a lower level than the coeval ground level. Later, the floor was covered by a beaten-earth surface containing pottery fragments dating to the same period as the final phase in Trench 1 (end of the 5th-6th century).


    • G. Spagnolo Garzoli, F. M. Gambari (a cura di), 2004, Tra terra e acque. Carta archeologica della Provincia di Novara, Novara: 183.
    • G. Spagnolo Garzoli, F. Garanzini 2010, Barengo. Impianto produttivo lungo il fosso Marzuolo, in “Quaderni della Soprintendenza Archeologica del Piemonte”, 25: 218-220.