  • Casa di Arianna Regio VII.4.31-51
  • Pompei
  • Pompeii


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    • No period data has been added yet


    • 180 BC - 79 AD


      • Following a georadar survey, carried out by Archeoprospections of Vienna on behalf of the Institut fur Klassische und Provinzialromiche Archaologie - Innsbruck University (Austria), with the permission of the Archaeological Superintendency of Pompeii and the fundamental support of the Servicio de Investigacion Arqueologica Municipal of Valencia (Spain), an excavation was undertaken in the Casa di Arianna. At the present time the project's aim is to check the survey results through excavation, although it seems that in the near future a fuller study of the house will be necessary in order to complete the data provided by this excavation. The domus was built in the middle years of the 3rd century B.C. (c. 150-130). In the original plan the monumental corinthian peristyle was already in place adjoining the tuscanicum style atrium that opened onto the Via degli Augustali. The large impluvium is composed of border of stones and earth/mortar probably lined with signino, resting on irregular blocks of Sarno limestone. A period of large scale alteration can be dated to the Augustan period, around 40-30 B.C. What is missing at present is archaeological evidence for the rebuilding during the post-Sullan period, evidence for which is provided by the redecoration of some rooms in the II style. As regards the earliest phases, it can be said that the central peristyle of the mid-2nd century was possibly built over an earlier colonnade, thus raising the floor level by about 60 cm. Fortunately, a limestone column base was uncovered that can be attributed to the earliest phase for which a date of 190-180 B.C. is suggested. A section of wall and an associated beaten floor surrounding the first colonnade were also uncovered. Unfortunately, at the moment, it has not been possible to establish the plan of the building to which this possible portico belonged. (Luigi Pedroni - Alberto Ribera)
      • The excavations and geophysical surveys on the House of Arianna and the surrounding area provided information regarding its history and at the same time led to a re-evaluation of the origins of Vicolo Storto, which were certainly linked to the creation of the Sullan colony in the 1st century B.C. when this part of Regio VII was restructured in order to fit into the urban layout of Regio VI and VIII. The main phases identified for the House of Ariadne are: - The first phase (beginning of the 2nd century B.C.): in view of the foreseen constructions in the central and southern part of the house, aligned with via degli Augustali, the walls of the first house were razed and integrated into the later one. - Construction of the second house (second half of the 2nd century B.C.): the preceding structures in the _atrium_ were re-adapted whilst the central peristyle was a new construction. The northern zone, aligned with via della Fortuna, had a distinctive look although only its perimeter walls are known, and was perhaps a _hortus_ with 1st style decorations and figured capitals near the entrance. - Restructuring of the house (second half of the 1st century B.C.): the _impluvium_ was obliterated and the _atrium_ converted into an open space, perhaps used for some productive activity. At the same time the northern peristyle was raised and re-aligned, so as to conform with the rest of the house, with via degli Augustali though the main entrance was situated in this part of the house. The adjacent House of Fortune, to the west, was also involved in this operation. The Vicolo Storto must have been created in this phase. - Restructuring (mid 1st century A.D.): the walls of the central peristyle and _atrium_ were decorated in the 4th Style. There was some evidence in the northern peristyle of its conversion for productive purposes. - A large amount of pottery was found which provides good dating for the construction phases. There was a high number of Rhodian amphorae, whose numerous stamps provided exact dating between the 2nd and 1st century B.C. (Albert Ribera)


      • G. Pascual, A. Ribera, c.s., Ánforas púnicas de Pompeya. Materiales de recientes excavaciones en la regio VII, “R.C.R.F. Acta 40” (Dürres 2006).
      • G. Pascual, A. Ribera, G. Finkielsztejn, c.s., Las ánforas griegas y púnicas de recientes excavaciones en la regio VII de Pompeya, “V Jornadas de Arqueología Subacuática (Gandia 2006)”, Valencia.
      • L. Pedroni, A. Ribera, 2005, Pompei - Casa di Arianna (VII, 4, 31-51). Verifiche stratigrafiche, in Rivista di Studi Pompeiani XVI: 258-259.
      • A. Ribera et al., c.s., Estudios estratigráficos y geofísicos de la Casa de Ariadna al Vicolo Storto (Regio VII, Insula 4) (Progetto SIAM Valencia-Università di Innsbruck), in P.G. Guzzo – M.P. Guidobaldi (a cura di), "Nuove ricerche archeologiche nell'area vesuviana (scavi 2003-2006)", Atti del convegno Roma 1-3 febbraio 2007, Roma.