FOLD&R: the Journal of Fasti On-Line
Survey Fold&r Series
FOLD&R is an archaeological journal published since 2004 by the International Association for Classical Archaeology in collaboration with the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities.
The Survey series is dedicated to the proposition that scientific articles on field surveys should be easily available to the general public. It is a peer-reviewed journal, with an editorial board that covers all of the archaeological disciplines. We welcome illustrated submissions, in English, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese or German, on field survey archaeology.
Since the Fasti Survey Project focuses on field explorations, a requirement for publication is that the project has a clear focus on recording archaeological surface distributions. This encompasses various approaches varying from extensive site orientated field surveys to full coverage off-site surveys. However, the Fasti Survey Folder is not the place for publishing the results of projects that have focused at mapping known archaeological monuments without recording of surface distributions.
Moreover, the Fasti Survey folder also publishes articles addressing the reinterpretation and/or synchronization of legacy data. In such cases the research objectives and the criteria applied for the synchronization of data need to be described in detail, as well as a discussion of the results of such a reclassification of data.
We guarantee a rapid review of the material, which, after any agreed changes, should be published within a month. Proofs will be submitted for correction by the authors. The reviewers are asked to address the scientific validity and presentation of the submission rather than the scale or importance of the project. No translation is offered, but we are willing to advise on translators for anyone who wishes to publish their text in another language. Please do not submit articles in English without first having them reviewed by a mother-tongue speaker.
An on-line journal follows the same rules as those on paper from both an academic and a juridical point of view. Publications on FOLD&R are thus valid from the point of view of a personal curriculum and should be cited just like other publications. The law protects the intellectual property of the author and the journal. Texts are published in a pdf format, and they can be consulted online, with Acrobat Reader, and downloaded for printing and circulation to colleagues. Texts can be republished by their authors (although only by the authors) without permission from the review; however, we request that the first publication be credited to FOLD&R. Further, we would be grateful if the link to an article rather than the pdf be registered on the author’s page.
Manuscripts no longer than 8000 words with illustrations can be sent by email to the Editors (Tesse D. Stek, ; Anita Casarotto, If the survey project in question is not already part of the Fasti Online Survey platform it must be accompanied by a completed Record Sheet (please use the template available here) and GIS geometries (i.e. shapefiles) of the survey area and the walked field survey units. This information will be used to create your Fasti Survey Record (for an example see record AIAC 436; for an explanation of what a Fasti Survey Record is and how data can be cited and reused by others see this link).
To increase visibility of your research and/or substantiate your article, supplementary survey data and relevant spatial information are highly recommended (e.g. shapefile of the recorded site distribution; tables or databases with descriptions of the collected material/recorded sites/visibility conditions of the surveyed units; images; videos): they will be attached to your Fasti Survey Record, which will be linked permanently to the article once published. The Editorial Board welcomes these additional data and information especially if the authors in the article explicitly refer to/explain/describe those data and information. The Board thus encourages authors to upload more relevant survey data as open data in their Fasti Survey Record. This will be positively evaluated during the review process when assessing the article’s suitability for publication.
Citing FOLD&Rs
The FOLD&R publication is licensed by AIAC under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) license. Please cite and attribute all authors accordingly. For permission to publish illustrations from the text please apply to the author directly.