Index for 2021
- 501 - Fabio Fabiani - Stefano Genovesi - Salvatore Basile - Antonio Campus - Alberto Caroti - Ludovica Galli - Gloriana Pace - Filippo Sala - Germana Sorrentino - Emanuele Taccola . 2021. Pisa Progetto Suburbio: l’Area Scheibler La campagna di scavo 2020 . The Area Scheibler, located in the Western outskirts of Pisa, has been the site of discoveries and rescue excavations since the 1980s. These testified to the long-lasting history of this sector of the ancient suburb – formerly crossed by the Auser river – from the Iron Age to the Early Middle Age, with a consistent Roman phase. The 2020 campaign was the first planned stratigraphic excavation to take place on this site. It was carried out in order to verify the hypothesis that a villa existed on the site and to define both the chronology and the nature of the human set-tlement in the area. We have thus been able to investigate a complex stratigraphic sequence: the walls and the very well-preserved floor of a farmhouse can be dated back to the Late Republican period. This building was deliberately abandoned during the early decades of the Imperial period, when a new compound with huge walls and a brick, well-developed drainage system was constructed. Between the 3rd and the 4th centuries AD more floods caused the partial destruction of the building. During the 7th century AD a new structure in perishable building materials associated withTunisian fine table ware and amphorae and soapstone cooking pots marked a new occupation of the site, which was finally destroyed by a further al-luvial event. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 500 - Christy Schirmer – D. Alex Walthall – Andrew Tharler – Elizabeth Wueste – Benjamin Crowther – Randall Souza – Jared Benton – Jane Millar . 2021. Preliminary Report on the 2018 Season of the American Excavations at Morgantina: Contrada Agnese Project (CAP) . In its sixth season, the American Excavations at Morgantina: Contrada Agnese Project (CAP) continued archaeolog-ical investigations inside the House of the Two Mills, a modestly-appointed house of Hellenistic date located near the western edge of the ancient city of Morgantina. This report gives a phase-by-phase summary of the significant dis-coveries from the 2018 excavation season, highlighting the architectural development of the building as well as evi-dence for the various activities that took place there over the course of its occupation. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 499 - Antonella Coralini - Francesca Ortali. 2021. Iscrizioni in contesto: Pompei, insula IX 8. This article presents the results of a study in context of the wall inscriptions at Pompeii, focusing on the insula I 8. By using a palimpsestic approach, adopted also, for the insula II 4 (Praedia Iuliae Felicis) by Christopher Parslow as well, we analysed with an integrated way not only the epigraphic category of the inscribed documents, tituli picti and graffiti, discovered during the nineteenth-century excavations (1879-1880), but also their topographical distribution and their re-lationship with places, things ad people. In this contribution some cases-study exemplifies the informative potential of the reading-in-context method: it allows to investigate, starting from the content and the position of the texts, what relation-ship they had with the surrounding environment and what clues they can offer to rebuild its social life. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 498 - Patrizia Basso - Valeria Grazioli - Sabrina Masotti - Jessica Mongillo - Marcella Giulia Pavoni - Marina Scalzeri - Elisa Zentilini . 2021. Roman Cemeteries in Gazzo Veronese (VR) along the via Claudia Augusta . The paper presents the results of archaeological research carried out during 2014 and 2018 by the University of Verona in Gazzo Veronese, a small town on the plains south of Verona. In a previous issue of this journal we presented the Roman road brought to light in the same territory and interpreted as the Claudia Augusta (see FOLDER 2016, 370). In this article we are presenting the data for two cemeteries, dated between the first century BCE and the middle of the second CE, discovered along this road, addressing the questions that the archaeological findings raise for the historical analysis from the point of view of settlement and demography. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 497 - Attilio Mastrocinque – Fiammetta Soriano . 2021. Indagini archeologiche nell’area della “Domus del Mitreo” di Tarquinia: campagne di scavo 2016-18 con documentazione tridimensionale. The University of Verona has been excavating the “Domus del Mitreo” since 2016. It falls within the area of the Civita di Tarquinia. Three years of excavation revealed forty rooms of a large building. They spread over five natural terraces sloping eastward. The stratigraphic sequence runs from the 6th century BCE to the early 7th century CE. The preliminary analysis of the stratigraphy has identified six periods of construction and occupation. In Periods I and II (6th to 5th century BCE and 4th to 3rd century BCE) there are traces of the earliest frequentation of the site and the construction of the first masonry buildings. In Period III (end of the 3rd to mid 1st century BCE) new masonry walls are built, mainly in a “chessboard” pattern. This period defines spaces, rooms, and courtyards. A major building programme takes place between the second half of the 2nd and mid 1st century BCE. New rooms are built and paved with decorated floors. This continues into Period IV (late 1st century BCE to 1st century CE). During Period V many of the previous rooms are divided into smaller rooms (2nd to 3rd century CE). There are traces of workshop activity. From Period VI (mid 4th to early 7th century CE) the domus changes its appearance. This probably occurred following an earthquake. This leads to a gradual abandonment of the site during the early 7th century CE. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 496 - Viviana Cardarelli - Alessio De Cristofaro - Antonio F. Ferrandes - Rosita Oriolo - Ramon Simonetti - Alessandra Vivona . 2021. Sulla via Cornelia (II) Tracce di produzione agricola (III/inizi II sec. a.C.) e cava di pozzolana (I sec. a.C./I sec. d.C.) in via di Selva Candida 18 . The excavation, preliminary to the verification of the archaeological presence in a new building area, led to the discovery of remains of agricultural activities (late III – early II century BC), and a pozzolana quarry (I century BC-I century AD). The archaeological evidence relates to a productive settlement (villa?) located along the ancient via Cornelia. The issue also presents a comprehensive analysis of the ceramic contexts. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 495 - Andrea Raffaele Ghiotto - Giulia Fioratto - Guido Furlan. 2021. Il teatro romano di Aquileia: lo scavo dell’aditus maximus settentrionale e dell’edificio scenico . The paper presents the results of the last two campaigns of investigation in the Roman theatre of Aquileia. Discov-ered in 2015, the 95 meters wide building has been excavated through a series of trenches allowing the reconstruc-tion of most of the cavea. During the years 2018-19 the excavation moved to the core of the building, allowing a first reconstruction of its northern access and basilica, of the orchestra and of the scene building, with its stage and scaenae frons. In addition to architectural data, the new investigations allow us to sketch in some detail the evolution of the theatre from its construction to its reuse and, eventually, abandonment and dismantling. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 494 - G. M. Crothers - J.R. Jansson - J.E. Knapp - P.A.L. Crestani - P. Mazzaglia - P. Visonà edited by Paolo Visonà . 2021. University of Kentucky and Langara College archaeological investigations at località Coculédi, contrada Bregatorto, and in the hinterland of Antonimina (Reggio Calabria) in 2017-2019. Due campagne di prospezioni geofisiche e saggi di scavo in località Coculédi e in contrada Bregatorto, due siti contigui ubicati sul margine orientale della Dorsale Tabulare tra Jonio e Tirreno, alla quota di 980 m s.l.m. e a 14 km di distanza dal- la costa jonica, hanno accertato la presenza di un grande edificio e di una fortificazione rurale attribuibili a Locri Epizephyrii. L’edificio in località Coculédi, esteso su un’area di c. 600 m², venne costruito verso la fine del VI secolo e fu distrutto e ab- bandonato prima della metà del V sec. a.C.; le sue funzioni non sono ancora definibili. La fortificazione in contrada Brega- torto, coprente un’area di oltre 1900 m², fu occupata dagli inizi del V secolo fino al III sec. a.C.; in essa si individua il princi- pale punto di controllo del percorso di collegamento più diretto da Locri ai centri di Métauros e Medma sul versante tirreni- co meridionale. L’identità culturale locrese di entrambi i siti si evince anche dall’evidenza dei rinvenimenti ceramici, che tro- vano stretti confronti in ambito locrese. Altri tre siti contigui con materiali di età greca (un probabile insediamento rurale e due posti di vedetta) sono stati identificati presso Monte S. Mauro, lungo il percorso in direzione di contrada Bregatorto proveniente dalla costa jonica. Questa concentrazione di siti ai margini della chora e l’esistenza di un sito fortificato in una posizione strategica sulla Dorsale Tabulare documentano un’organizzazione del territorio locrese e un sistema di controllo della viabilità interna fin dall’età tardo arcaica. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 493 - Rebecca K. Schindler - Stefano Spiganti - Giampiero Bevagna - Pedar W. Foss. 2021. Report on the Excavations of the Gioiella-Vaiano Villa 2016-2019. Since 2015, the Trasimeno Archaeological Project has been investigating a Roman villa located between the localities of Gioiella and Vaiano in the territory of Castiglione del Lago. A preliminary surface survey of the site (2015) indicated that the villa was occupied from the 2nd century B.C. through the 3rd century A.D. While there is extensive evidence for an Etruscan presence in the region, the Gioiella-Vaiano Villa is the first Roman period site to be scientifically investigated. Of particular interest is understanding the changing role of the villa in the economic and social life of Central Italy from the mid- Republican to the late Imperial periods. Four seasons of excavation (2016-2019) has revealed a bath house with a partially preserved hypocaust system and a monumental nymphaeum with a water basin and walls decorated to look like the interior of a cave. Although systematic analysis of the finds has not yet been completed, preliminary observations indicate imported objects (e.g. decorative mar- bles and amphora) suggesting that in the early Imperial period the owners of the villa were wealthy and had access to net- works outside of Central Italy. Several brick stamps have been recovered with the name L.ATALLIANI, which may repre- sent an owner of the villa in the early Imperial period. It appears at least during the first centuries A.D. the villa served as a locus for economic production as well as for the display of social status and power. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 492 - Caitlín Barrett - Kathryn Gleason - Annalisa Marzano - with additional contributions on palynology by Dafna Langgut . 2021. The Casa della Regina Carolina (CRC) Project, Pompeii: Preliminary Report on 2018 and 2019 Field Seasons . Questo articolo presenta i risultati delle prime due campagne di scavo (2018-2019) condotte nel giardino della “Casa del-la Regina Carolina’ a Pompei (VIII.3.14) nell’ambito di un progetto scientifico multidisciplinare che investiga la relazione tra cultura materiale, ruoli sociali e cambiamenti storici. La domus oggetto di studio fu scavata nel XIX secolo, ma il giardino, tra i più ampi giardini domestici di Pompei, non fu investigato e questo ha consentito di effettuare vari saggi stratigrafici mirati, da un lato, ad individuare la superficie coltivata in antico e dall’altro a chiarire come lo spazio fosse utilizzato e vis-suto da parte dei vari ‘utenti’ dal diverso ceto sociale (ad es. il padrone di casa, lo schiavo-giardiniere, etc.). Lo scavo ha restituito non solo dati interessanti sulla natura del giardino distrutto nel 79 d.C., ma ha anche rivelato i resti monumentali di una domus a peristilio di età sannitica. Il diverso orientamento di questa domus che, date le dimensioni e vicinanza al foro probabilmente apparteneva ad un membro di spicco della Pompei repubblicana, indica che l’intera insula subì un drastico rimaneggiamento. I dati attualmente a nostra disposizione suggeriscono che tale rimaneggiamento risalga al pe-riodo successivo al terremoto del 62 d.C. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 491 - Alessandro Sebastiani - Edoardo Vanni - Massimo Brando - Elisabeth Woldeyohannes and Michael D. McCabe III . 2021. The third archaeological season at Podere Cannicci (Civitella Paganico – Grosseto) . This paper illustrates the results of the third archaeological season that took place at the late Etruscan and Republican site of Podere Cannicci in the territory of Civitella Paganico (Grosseto, Italy). Excavations revealed new features of the settlement, allowing researchers to consolidate the idea that Podere Cannicci was a Roman vicus gravitating around a sanctuary area; the latter was focused on fertility cults as a number of votive offerings were collected during the previ-ous investigations. The research concentrated on two different areas: the first one showed the existence of other rooms belonging to the original Republican building while, as the excavation areas were enlarged, a second rural com-plex was discovered, with a possible wine cellar still preserving dolia in situ. Trial trenches were also opened in the surroundings of the main site to better understand the nature of the site and its possible developments into the Imperial period. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 490 - Roberta Pinna - Marco Cabras - Maurizio Cattani - Riccardo Cicilloni. 2021. La capanna 18 del villaggio protostorico di Bruncu ‘e s’Omu – Villa Verde (OR) . This work aims to provide information related to a small cross-section of daily life inside a Bronze Age settlement, using the context of the “Hut 18” of the nuragic village of Bruncu 'e S'Omu - Villa Verde (OR) as a model. The built-up area is a context of extreme interest and provides essential data relating to the daily life of the aforementioned period in this area of central-western Sardinia. The study, following a brief historical-geographical introduction of the territory in which the village is located, begins with the description of the general characteristics of the building and continues with the delineation of the stratigraphic sequence; we continue with a typological and chronological proposal of the finds and, finally, with the analyses carried out in the GIS environment, useful for better estimation of the dispersive trends of the materials. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 489 - Francesca Radina - Michele Cuccovillo - Ginevra Panzarino. 2021. Le tombe di via Sparano nel suburbio meridionale di Barium. In the heart of the city of Bari (Puglia, Italy), at the beginning of 2018, during the renovation of Via Sparano and ‘Borgo Murattiano’ near the Palazzo Mincuzzi, some Late Antiquity sherds and human remains were found. The discovery made possible the investigation of a multi-layered context for the first time in a systematic and scientific way in this part of the city. A funerary area was documented dating to a period between the end of the Late Antiquity and the High Middle Age, with six graves that show the presence of an extra-moenia cemetery area in the south of Bari. This area of the city, well attested throughout the Roman age up to the second century AD, continues for at least 3-4 centuries, indicating the at-tractive role of an extra-urban road system, still efficient in the 5th-6th century AD. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 488 - Giacomo Paglietti . 2021. Santa Vittoria di Serri: indagini nelle discariche “taramelliane”. Campagne di scavo 2016-2018 . At the beginning of the twentieth century the archaeologist Antonio Taramelli carried out several excavation campaigns in the nuragic sanctuary of Santa Vittoria di Serri. These excavations produced a series of spoil heaps of earth and stone close to the structures investigated. In some cases these deposits constitute an impediment to the reading of archaeo-logical emergencies as well as a modification of the original morphology of the soil such as compromising the normal fill-ing of the sacred well during the winter season. In other contexts of Sardinia, the Taramelli landfills have revealed con-siderable protohistoric artifacts for careful study. The excavations conducted in the three-year period 2016-2018 at the eastern sector of the sanctuary of Santa Vittoria di Serri allowed the recovery of different categories of ceramic and metal artifacts. Preliminary results are presented in this contribution. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 487 - Andrew Tharler – D. Alex Walthall – Elizabeth Wueste – Christy Schirmer – Ben Crowther – Jared Benton – Randall Souza – Katharine P.D. Huemoeller. 2021. Preliminary Report on the 2017 Season of the American Excavations at Morgantina: Contrada Agnese Project (CAP). In its fifth season, the American Excavations at Morgantina: Contrada Agnese Project (CAP) continued archaeological investigations inside the Southeast Building, a modestly-appointed house of Hellenistic date located near the western edge of the city. The 2016 CAP season had revealed the full extent of the property’s boundary walls and allowed us to propose a cohesive phasing scheme for the building’s construction, occupation, and abandonment. We suggested that the house was occupied for approximately 60-75 years, beginning in the second quarter of the third century BCE. The 2017 CAP excavations resolved a number of remaining questions, particularly those concerning the phasing of the boundary walls, the layout of interior spaces in the southern and eastern parts of the building, and the nature of domestic activities at different stages of the house’s occupation. This report describes the results of these excavations and pro-poses a new account of the building’s early development. The discovery of two large rotary millstones within the building raises the possibility that the occupants of the house may have specialized in the milling of grains and prompts us to re-name the building, “the House of the Two Mills”. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 486 - Myles McCallum - Martin Beckmann - Matthew Munro - Simone Nardelli - Greg Baker. 2021. Excavations at the so-called Villa di Tito, Castel Sant’Angelo (RI), May to June, 2019 . The 2019 archaeological investigations at the so-called Villa di Tito (hereafter, ‘Villa di Tito’) include excavation, 3D imag-ing reconstruction of standing architectural remains, artefact analysis, and conservation. Our efforts this year have pro-duced a more accurate plan of current and previous excavations, a three-dimensional model of the site and its environs, more evidence for a recent post-abandonment occupational phase, and clear dating evidence for the first renovations carried out on the structure as part of a period of significant architectural expansion and elaboration. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 485 - A. D’Andrea – A. Bosco – A. Coralini – A. Fiorini – R. Valentini. 2021. Ercolano. Documentare e studiare siti archeologici storici: il contributo delle tecnologie digitali . In the last few years, the use of 3D reality-based techniques in Cultural Heritage has grown significantly. Laser scanner and aerial or close-range photogrammetry have become the new tools for many experts and professionals in the field of documentation and restoration. As it is fundamental to integrate old and new datasets, a common topographical framework is frequently required to guarantee the perfect fusion of data originating from different sensors or acquired in different periods. Integrating the scans with high-resolution images allows to document and evaluate the state of art and conservation of archaeological structures quickly. New methods and approaches are tested to check the reliability and accuracy of the 3D objects, particularly if these digital replicas are the final product of the alignment of separate data-acquisition campaigns (4D). The paper deals with the implementation of a network for the Insula III of Herculaneum, an area greater than 4.000 sqm, since 2005 main case-study of the second research projet of the University of Bologna in Vesuvian region, the Domus Herculanensis Rationes (DHER). The topographical grid, obtained through the alignment and roto-translation of over than 300 scans, has been used to geo-reference and scale the high-resolution images taken during a parallel photogrammetric campaign of the painted and decorated walls of the Insula, in the framework of the Atlante degli Apparati Decorativi di Ercolano, a complete photogrammetric and graphic catalogue of the wall paintings and decorated floors of Herculaneum. The contribution deals with the workflow making the documentary basis of a research on decorations in context (as part of a research in household archaeology, insula based) and mainly on the tests carried out to evaluate the accuracy of the network. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 484 - Hélène Glogowski. 2021. Entre archives et vestiges: les restaurations antiques de l’enceinte tardo-républicaine d’Ostie . Construite vers le milieu du Ier siècle av. J.-C., l'enceinte tardo-républicaine d'Ostie a fait couler beaucoup d'encre ces dernières années. Mais en dépit de l'intérêt qui lui a été porté, plusieurs zones d'ombre subsistent encore, c'est le cas de ces restaurations antiques mentionnées dans les journaux de fouilles, et qui sont aujourd'hui en grande partie mécon-nues. Cet article se propose donc d'étudier ces mentions de restaurations des journaux de fouille, et de les comparer avec les récentes études qui se sont intéressées à l'enceinte, ainsi qu'avec de nouvelles observations sur le terrain, afin de comprendre l'évolution de l'enceinte à travers le temps. Built around the middle of the 1st century B.C., the late-Republican city wall of Ostia has been the subject of much dis-cussion in recent years. However, in spite of the interest that has been paid to it, several shady areas still remains, such as the ancient restorations mentioned in the excavation diaries, which are largely unknown today. This article therefore proposes to study these mentions of restorations and to compare them with recent studies that have taken an interest in the city wall, as well as with new observations in the field, in order to understand the evolution of the walls over time. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 483 - Patrizia Basso - Diana Dobreva (eds.). 2021. Aquileia: first results from the market excavation and the late antiquity town walls (part two) . The presentation of the research project of the University of Verona's Dipartimento Culture e Civiltà, carried out in the former Pasqualis property in Aquileia, continues with this second paper that aims to discuss the preliminary results of the excavation held in 2018 and 2019. As much as the work is still at the beginning, some important results already came to light. It is about a new market building that was part of the other two already known from previous excavation held in the ’50 and a structured floor surface, possibly a ramp connecting the two city walls via a footpath that was probably used to unload goods and foodstuffs from the river to the market buildings. These structures seem to be part of a monumental market building that most probably was used to sell different types of goods. Its strategic position next to the river from one side and close to the basilica from another could be of great importance to better understand the development of Aquileia during Late Antiquity. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 482 - Patrizia Basso - Diana Dobreva (eds.). 2021. Aquileia: first results from the market excavation and the late antiquity town walls (part one) . Between 2018 and 2019 the University of Verona, in collaboration with the Fondazione Aquileia and under licence from the Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali, carried out an archaeological excavation on the former Pasqualis property in Aquileia. The area has been already excavated in the ‘50s of the last century when two of the town’s parallel curtain walls that run along the river and market buildings located south from the basilica were uncovered. This city sector be-came particularly important from economic and social point of view for Late Antique Aquileia. In this paper (Part one) will be discussed the preliminary analyses of the archival documents and the geophysical survey that took place before the excavation. In the second part (Part two) the results of two years of excavation will be presented. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 481 - Massimo Capulli – Dario Innocenti. 2021. Il paesaggio archeologico sommerso e costiero del ragusano Nuovi dati dal progetto Kaukana . The Kaukana Project is a collaboration between the Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage at the University of Udine (Italy) and the Marine Superintendency of the Sicily Region, with support from the Institute of Nautical Archaeolo-gy. Kaukana is the name of an ancient Roman village near Punta Secca, a small town in the Ragusa province of south-eastern Sicily. The main objective of this project is the assessment, inventory, and study of underwater archaeological sites of the region in order to reconstruct their relationship with the surrounding coastal communities. Fieldwork began in summer 2017 with the excavation of the Punta Secca shipwreck, continued in 2018 with survey and in 2019 with the ex-cavation of the columns shipwreck of Kamarina. This paper presents the results of those campaigns. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 480 - Veronica Ferrari - Università del Salento. 2021. Indagini aerotopografiche e geofisiche a Aequum Tuticum. In the last years archaeological investigations were carried out, by the ‘Laboratorio di Topografia Antica e Fotogram-metria’ at University of Salento, on the vicus of Aequum Tuticum (Ariano Irpino, Av), in cooperation with the Superin-tendence of Salerno and Avellino together with with ATS company. The site occupes a strategic position that was crossed by important roads from prehistory to Roman times. However, it is still very little known. Only two archaeologi-cal excavations have been carried out there, unearthing a small part of the settlement with a stratification dating from the 1st to mid-fifteenth century AD. The project has employed a multidisciplinary approach including systematic field walking, aerial survey and geophysical prospecting with the aim of filling the gap in our knowledge of the ancient site. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 479 - Carlo de Mitri. 2021. Il settore centrale dell’arco ionio-salentino in età preromana (VIII-I sec. a.C.): nuovi dati ceramici da Alezio e Nardò . The rescue excavations carried out in the early 2000s in Alezio and Nardò in South Apulia, provide new data to better define the pre-roman phases of attendante in the middle arch of Ionian-Salento peninsula. In both sites the most docu-mented periods are the Iron Age and the Hellenistic Age, especially thanks to the material culture. In Alezio, the docu-mentation of the sections visible on a construction site, allows to report to the Iron Age a ditch encircled the hill of Lizza; in the Hellenistic Age instead, the area had a funeral destination. In Nardò, excavations for urban regeneration have al-lowed to expand the knowledge of the different occupancy phases of the settlement, from the Iron Age to the present day. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 478 - E. Vaccaro, D.E. Angelucci,C. Bassi, A. Buonopane, A. Florenzano, F. Marani, M. Matteazzi, A.M. Mercuri, E. Rattighieri, M. Sfacteria, M. Zambaldi . 2021. Il sito preromano e romano del Doss Penede (Nago-Torbole, TN): la campagna di scavo 2019 . Begun in 2019, the excavation project at the pre-Roman and Roman hilltop-site at the Doss Penede (Nago, TN) in the Upper Garda is the result of a fruitful collaboration among the Department of Humanities of the University of Trento, the Superintendency for Cultural Heritage of the Autonomous Province of Trento and the Township of Nago-Torbole. The site has been known since the early 1990s when its outstanding buildings attracted local interest. However, no strati-graphic investigation has been promoted until 2019, when the site was chosen as the first case-study of a wider project aimed at analysing patterns of change occurred at settlements, economy and the cultural landscape between the sec-ond Iron Age and the late Roman period in the area of the High Garda Lake and the Sarca valley. The first excavation season, whose results are presented and discussed in this paper, uncovered a well-planned hilltop site characterised by a system of parallel large terrace-walls linked by monumental staircases and butted by buildings of various functions. Occupied uninterruptedly between the second Iron Age and the 3rd-4th centuries AD, the site likely experienced a pro-cess of monumentalisation in the early Roman period. The Doss Penede is a quintessential example of the resilience of pre-roman hilltop sites at the time of Romanisation of Cisalpine Gaul. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 477 - Emanuela Murgia . 2021. L’area dei fondi Cassis ad Aquileia nella documentazione d’archivio. The analysis of data stored in the Archives of the National Archaeological Museum of Aquileia contributes to the overall interpretation of the archaeological findings in the fondi Cassis, where the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici of the Universi-ty of Trieste has been excavating since 2005 (field director: Federica Fontana). All the photos and archival documents related to this site have been examined; most of them have an inestimable value because they portray unpublished ex-cavations, at present unknown. The collection of data has revealed the complexity of an archaeological context excavat-ed in different times, with many pieces of information difficult to relate one another. In particular the consultation of the photographs and cartographic documents has made it possible to recognise some topographical references of the exca-vation carried out by Luisa Bertacchi between 1962 and 1965 in the same area of Aquileia. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 476 - Federica Fontana. 2021. Un’insula a stratigrafia complessa: la Casa “dei putti danzanti” ad Aquileia (via Gemina) alla luce delle ultime campagne di scavo . In 2005, Trieste University began the excavations in an area set along the via Gemina, where one of the most important residential insulae of the ancient city is situated, close to the forum and the river harbour. Brusin had already investigated this site in the 1930s, while more recent diagonal trenches had been exca-vated by Bertacchi closer to the area in question. The last campaigns have unearthed a series of structures, that, due to a complex sequence of cuts, post antique and contemporary interventions, have proved very dif-ficult to interpret, especially concerning the northern rooms of the domus. Still it has been possible to identi-fy and map several of the structures described in Brusin’s excavation records; among them the most rele-vant is the mortar layer which originally sustained a mosaic floor removed after the 1930s campaigns. Fu-ture research will aim to clarify the function this part of the building, to verify the presence of a second en-trance and therefore how this area was connected to the road and the shops and, if possible, also to under-stand the relationship between this section and the rest of the domus. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 475 - G. Zuchtriegel, E. Rizzo, F. Soldovieri, L. Capozzoli, I. Catapano, G. De Martino, G. Ludeno, G. Gennarelli, F. Uliano Scelza, C. Benedetto De Vita, O. Voza. 2021. Scoperta di un piccolo periptero dorico di primo V sec. a.C. nel quartiere nord-occidentale di Paestum: nota preliminare . The paper discusses the discovery of a small Doric temple dating from the early fifth century BC in Paestum, southern Italy. Surface finds belonging to the temple were first noted in 2019 during restauration work on the ancient city walls of Pae-stum. Analysis of aerial imagery and geophysical prospection has made it possible to locate the site of temple in the north-west quarter of the ancient city near the fortification wall. The area is currently under excavation. The present pa-per summarizes what we know so far based on prospection data and on more than 230 fragments that can be attributed to the temple, including fragments of the stylobate, columns, capitals, architrave, frieze, geison and sima. The temple, which appears to have been a small peripteros with 4 x 7 columns, sheds new light on the development of Doric archi-tecture and building techniques in Paestum between the Archaic and the early Classical periods. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet