Index for 2023
- 575 - Eleonora Delpozzo,Jacopo Paiano, Luigi Sperti. 2023. Lo sviluppo di un quartiere residenziale dell’antica Altino (VE): risultati preliminari dai recenti scavi dell’Università Ca’ Foscari . The research project of the University of Ca’ Foscari in Altinum (near Venice) has begun in 2012, in the Ghiacciaia/Campo Rialto area, in order to shed some light on the dynamics of urban planning in this sector of the ancient city of Altinum, from the Imperial Era to the Late Antiquity. Starting from 2020, excavation activities are aiming to verify the presence of a building with an apse visible in the aerial photographs. The campaign was successful, and it was possible to confirm its presence, and to investigate the foundations, made with concrete and bricks, and the materials used to decorate floors and walls, such as colored marble slabs and fragments of plasters with various decorations. During the 2021 campaign, the entire building was brought to light, extended for 20 x 14,50 m. In 2022 the area of investigation was extended and the presence of three buildings and a street was verified. Furthermore, it was possible to outline four different stratigraphic phases, from the end of the 1st century AD/beginning of the 1st cent. AD to the second half of the 5th century AD/beginning of the 6th century AD. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 574 - Rossella Nicoletti. 2023. Enna – un cimitero di rito islamico al “Mulino a Vento” . The rescue archaeology activities made during the laying of the water network in Enna (Sicily) in 2019, allowed to identify and explore part of an ancient cemetery in the “Mulino a Vento” district. In three different areas, stratigraphic excavations revealed 14 tombs cut into the rock subsoil; ten of them were buried following the Muslim rite, with their bodies laid on their right side and face looking towards the south/south east; four were laid supine and may be identified as Christian. The study helps to reconsider the whole ancient topography of ancient Enna and gives us the chance to confirm some histor-ical based deductions on the presence of the Muslims in Enna from the 9th to the 13th century, when they were deported by Frederick II. The second phase of the cemetery dates up to the end of 13th-14th century, when the Christian rite overlaps the Islamic ones. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 573 - Martin Beckmann - Myles McCallum - Matthew Munro - Rebecca Payne - Simone Nardelli . 2023. Excavations at the so-called Villa di Tito, Castel Sant’Angelo (RI), May to June, 2022 . The most recent excavations by Saint Mary’s University and McMaster University at the so-called Villa di Tito (RI) began in 2018 and continued in 2019. After a two-year pause due to COVID, research began at the site again in 2022. The goal of ex-cavations in 2022 was to continue the exploration of the terraced area of the villa, in part to determine definitively if the struc-ture was indeed a Roman-period villa as opposed to a bath complex and to better understand the structure’s plan. We also wanted to dig a small test-trench in the structure’s lower-level, the cryptoporticus, to determine the degree of disturbance and archaeological preservation after restoration to the structure carried out in the 1980s. Excavation of the terraced part of the structure revealed the use of earthen architecture (pisé or cob) alongside the use of wooden framing elements in what ap-pears to be a food preparation and storage area (Rooms 8a and b). We also found further evidence for the substantial restruc-turing of the villa in the early to middle part of the first century CE, which included the infilling and abandonment of a well, built over by Room 8b. Within the well, we appear to have recovered some elements of a votive deposit likely associated with its decommissioning. We also arrived at the first century CE floor level in Rooms 9 and 10 and found good evidence that Room 10 was renovated at some point in the first or early second century CE, which included blocking doorways connecting Room 10 to Room 9 and the yet-unexcavated Room to the west of Room 10. Within the concrete floor of Room 10 we also discovered evidence for what appears to be the post-destruction salvaging of materials from the site; the outline of two holes dug into the floor were defined and await excavation next year. Within the cryptoporticus, we found a relatively intact collapse layer or the area’s ceiling and the storey that once sat above it, as well as what may be the top of a small staircase descend-ing to a lower level within this part of the villa. Artefactual evidence from the cryptoporticus suggests that the structure suf-fered a terminal collapse event sometime in the late first to mid-second century CE. The absence of any African Red Slip pot-tery points more strongly to a first century CE date for this event. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 572 - Emanuele Vaccaro - Michele Matteazzi. 2023. Tra Reti e Romani: il sito d’altura del Doss Penede in area altogardesana (Nago-Torbole, TN) . The Doss Penede is a limestone hill facing the northern shore of Lake Garda and overlooking the lower valley of the Sarca river and the terrace of Nago, a natural connection, through the Loppio valley, with the middle valley of the Adige river. Exca-vation at the Doss Penede began in 2019 through a fruitful collaboration between the Township of Nago-Torbole, the Archaeo-logical Heritage Office of the Superintendency of the Autonomous Province of Trento and the Department of Humanities of the University of Trento. Archaeological work highlighted a long-lasting intermittent settlement sequence characterised by three main phases of occu-pation: the Recent Bronze Age, the Second Iron Age and the Roman period (from the later 1st century BC to the early 4th cen-tury AD). On the basis of the data collected in the first four years of excavation, this paper aims to provide an overall picture of the topographical and architectural changes occurred at the site in the two best documented macro-periods – the Second Iron Age and the early and middle Roman Imperial Age – situating them in the broader pre-Alpine and central-eastern Alpine framework. A further aspect that will be investigated concerns the settlement continuity/discontinuity between the latest oc-cupation phase of the Second Iron Age and the reconfiguration and monumentalization process related to the Romanization of the High Garda in the late 1st century BC, when this area was aggregated to the urban center of Brixia/Brescia. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 571 - Dora Cirone - Alessio De Cristofaro. 2023. Signum Vortumni Project Rapporto preliminare sulla quarta campagna di scavi negli Horrea Agrippiana (2019). In 2019 the fourth and last excavation campaign of the international research project Signum Vortumni took place. The excavation involved the area of the eastern portico and the V and S rooms of the Horrea Agrippiana. The investigations made it possible to confirm and better define the stratigraphic sequence identified in the 2016-2018 campaigns, bringing to light new evidence hitherto unknown: a large foundation structure in concrete hypothetically attributed to a sacellum/aedes. The project will now continue with the study of the finds and with final publication of the excavations. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 570 - Massimo Casagrande. 2023. Lo scavo della villa romana di S’Angiarxia (San Giorgio) a Capo Frasca, Arbus (OR). Lo scavo della villa romana di S’Angiarxia (San Giorgio) a Capo Frasca, Arbus (OR) PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 569 - Federica Matteoni . 2023. Scavi nell’abitato di epoca romana a Casazza (Bg): risultati preliminari della campagna 2021-2022. This paper is a preliminary report of the results of the escavation by Sezione di Archeologia del Dipartimento di Storia, Ar-cheologia e Storia dell’Arte of the Università Cattolica di Milano. These excavations have resumed after more than 20 years of silence: during this period, the site was turned into an archaeological area and was opened to the public. The research on 2021 and 2022 involved two sectors partially investigated at the end of XXth century. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 568 - Edoardo Vanni - Federico Saccoccio - Simone Zocco . 2023. Monti Aurunci Project: il sito altomedievale di Sant’Andrea (Campodimele, LT). The archaeological site on the hilltop of Sant’Andrea, midway between Campodimele and Itri, has been recently located by the mean of the presence of the remaining of a surrounding wall and other structures. It is located very close to the mountain pass of San Nicola, allowing the site to keep a strict control on the main communication routes crossing through the inner re-gion of the Monti Aurunci, especially on those connecting the Liri Valley and the coast of Southern Latium. The excavations started in July 2022 aimed to provide chronological and typological elements to identify the nature of the settlement. A single area (Area 1000) at the south-eastern corner of the surrounding wall has been delimited for the excavation in order to find a re-liable stratigraphy – a condition made difficult by the erosive phenomena characterizing the geology of the region. The results from the first excavation campaign have allowed to identify the presence of several phases of abandonment and frequentation the settlement in the latest centuries of the early Middle Ages, when the presence of a stable settlement is suggested by the abundance of materials from this period. On the other hand, the occasional finding of more ancient materials from the latest contexts (as they ran-off from other contexts on the top of the hill) may support the hypothesis that older phases for the site are present and still to be investigated. The hilltop settlement of Sant’Andrea represents an important case study for regional and local phenomena, such as the “encastellation” of southern Latium as well as the study of settlement patterns and other historical issues concerning the territory of the Duchy of Gaeta, of which the settlement of Sant’Andrea was part as it was al-so the nearby castle of Campello. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 567 - Luca Masciale . 2023. Signum Vortumni Project. Il palinsesto architettonico a est degli Horrea Agrippiana: un’analisi preliminare. During the archeological excavations of Signum Vortumni Project (2016-2019) in the Horrea Agrippiana area there were being carry out survey and masonries’s analysis at ground level of the complex situated at east of augustean warehouses. It deals with an unpublished architectural palimpsest that enriches the topographical framework of the site together with to data of recent excavations, regarding before Agrippa’s warehouses. The acquisition and the analysis of those evidences gave back interesting novelties about the presence of a new domus late republican age (II-I B.C.) characterized by terraces on north-west low slopes of Palatine with a rich decorative elements. Obviously it belongs to a member of nobilitas senatorial. Those studies reveal that the domus has been disposed by brickwork’s structures built befoure Horrea and dated to the first half of I B.C. New buildings, highlight in partial remains, allows to make some further reflec-tions about Agrippa’s complex and the making of the first Imperal Palaces on this side of Palatine. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 566 - Lorenzo Zamboni - Veronica Cicolani - Armand Grout. 2023. La fisionomia di un vicus nella Cisalpina romana Il caso di Calvatone-Bedriacum attraverso indagini geofisiche integrate . A geophysical survey campaign was recently carried out in the Roman settlement of Calvatone, Costa di S. Andrea (Cremo-na, Italy), traditionally identified with the ancient vicus of Bedriacum. The research was conducted by the University of Milan and the company Geocarta (Paris), in collaboration with the CNRS. Two complementary methods were used, magnetometry and electrical resistivity. The preliminary results provide fresh data for the elaboration of a new archaeological map of the site and the surrounding area, through the identification of an articulated series of geophysical anomalies. The evidence allows us to rethink the urban layout of the Roman small town, addressing new issues on the site’s geomorphology and its relationship with the landscape. However, it remains difficult to identify precisely the nature and chronology of some of these anomalies, as they need to be integrated with complementary analyses and tested by excavation trenches. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 565 - Sarah M. Harvey - Gian Luca Grassigli - Stefano Spiganti - Francesco Pacelli. 2023. The 2017 Season at the Necropoli del Vallone di San Lorenzo, Montecchio (TR), Italy. Nel 2017 è avvenuta la prima campagna di scavi archeologici presso la Necropoli del Vallone di S. Lorenzo a Montecchio (TR), in un'area inesplorata situata a nord-ovest dello storico nucleo necropolare attualmente fruibile. Dalle indagini è emersa una struttura muraria realizzata con pietre fluviali locali, senza l'utilizzo di leganti, in una fase successiva all'abbandono della necropoli, poiché la struttura muraria presenta reimpiegati alcuni frammenti delle lastre di chiusura delle tombe a camera. Po-co distante è stata individuata una sepoltura a camera scavata direttamente nel terreno naturale, preceduta da un breve dro-mos realizzato a cielo aperto e dotata di due camere coassiali, di tipologia consueta nell'ambito necropolare. La tomba ha orientamento N-S ed aveva la prima camera corredata di due letti funebri disposti sui lati e realizzati a risparmio nel comparto geologico locale. I resti dei alcuni individui giacevano sopra di queste insieme al corredo caratterizzato da effetti personali. La seconda camera più piccola, presentava una banchina stretta e continua lungo i lati della stanza, dove sono stati rinvenuti i corredi ceramici ritualizzati. Questi sono risultati ben conservati sebbene la tomba subì fenomeni di allagamento e il parziale crollo della volta; i materiali collocano la sepoltura in un arco cronologico compreso tra la metà del VI e l'inizio del V sec. a.C. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 564 - Gloria Olcese - Marco Balsi - Michele Di Filippo - Andrea Razza - Domenico Michele Surace. 2023. Indagini geofisiche e di telerilevamento nel territorio di Dragoncello (Acilia, Roma, campagne 2021 e 2022): applicazione e sperimentazione dei metodi e risultati preliminari . This paper presents the preliminary results of the research carried out in the area of Dragoncello (Acilia, Roma), between the Tiber and via Ostiense, during the 2021 and 2022 campaigns. Electromagnetic prospecting and remote sensing investigations (including Lidar) were carried out with the aim defining the location, the extent, and the characteristics of the archaeological structures in the territory, and to identify possible buried evidence. In contrast to the results obtained through geophysical prospecting on the villa's territory, the presence of buried waste created problems for the execution and interpretation of data from some areas adjacent to the excavated area and facing the Tiber. For the time being, the application of lidar has provided a basis on which future detailed research will be set up. These activities are connected to the new excavation campaigns of villa A of Dragoncello and to a larger ongoing project that aims to reconstruct the settlement dynamics and agricultural exploitation of the area between the Roman Republican and Im-perial periods. In particular, the investigations concern the study of the agricultural landscape, the production and storage of foodstuffs – such as wine, perhaps also oil, and fruit and vegetables -, the material culture, as well as the personalities in-volved in the political and economic events in Ostia and in the territory, especially in the 1st century BC. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 563 - Massimo Capulli. 2023. Il relitto postmedievale di San Nicoletto (Lido di Venezia) accertamenti archeologici preliminari . The first underwater archeology campaign along the marine side of the island of Lido di Venezia ended in early July 2022, led by the University of Udine and carried out with the Superintendence of Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the Munici-pality of Venice and the Lagoon and the support of the Institute of Nautical Archeology (USA). The archaeological investiga-tions were concentrated in front of the beach of San Nicoletto and concerned the remains of a shipwreck of historical age. The site lies in shallow water, only 4,5 and 6 meters and during the first season it was possible to dig for ten consecutive days, uncovering over nineteen meters of hull to take directly measured some construction details and several pictures for the 3D photogrammetric recording. The shipwreck is what remains of a freighter sailing ship of the end of the XIX AD, according with the artifacts recovered and Venetian-made glass products and ceramics, however, the main load was made up of stone blocks. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 562 - Francesco Iacono – Andrea Fiorini – Giovanna Agostini – Zoe Ceccato – Simone Favaron. 2023. Torre dell’Alto (Nardò, Lecce): un primo inquadramento. (ENG) The Torre dell'Alto archaeological project has undertaken in collaboration with the Museum of Prehistory and Protohis-tory of Nardò, the exploration of the most monumental to the Bronze Age in the Porto Selvaggion natural park. This is the dry-stone wall of Torre dell'Alto, a fortification dating back to the Bronze Age and measuring approximately 20 x 200 m, making it one of the largest in all of peninsular Italy. The Torre dell'Alto site, object of this research, is located close to a rocky outcrop bordered on three sides by dense vegeta-tion and to the west by the sixteenth-century tower, built at a height of about 50 m above sea level. guarding the coast. The vast and compact pine forest, which characterizes today's landscape, is the result of an intensive redevelopment interven-tion, which took place during the fifties of the last century. The settlement of Torre dell'Alto was in a relationship of inter-visibility with another settlement which at the moment would appear to be coeval. This is located at Punta dell'Aspide, a little further to the south. The site has produced material that can be dated to the entire chronological span ranging from the Middle Bronze Age to the Final Bronze Age. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 561 - Dora D’Auria - Pascale Ballet - Mauro Antonio Di Vito - Alessandro Russo - Domenico Sparice. 2023. Indagini nel settore meridionale dell’insula I 16 di Pompei. The paper deals with the preliminary results of the investigations conducted in the south sector of insula I 16 of Pompeii, in the scope of the Franco-Italian research project “Modes d’habiter à Pompéi à l’époque républicaine: la maison à atrium testudinatum”. This project is dedicated to the atrium testudinatum house, a type of dwelling very common in Pompeii in III and II c. B.C. Among the contexts analyzed, are two atrium testudinantum houses (5 and 6), situated in the south sector of insula I 16. In the first part of the paper the discovery and the first investigations conducted in these houses are discussed; in the second, the results of excavations carried out in summer 2022. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 560 - Alberto Cafaro. 2023. Duoviri a Luna: le domus di Porta Marina e le risorse del notabilato lunense all’avvento del Principato. This paper aims to investigate the political and economic resources of the civic élite of Luna between the 1st century BC and the 1st century AD, from the post-Sullan Republic to the Julio-Claudian age. Service in local institutions and wealth defined the role and significance of the domi nobiles in their civic contexts. Unfortu-nately, their inscriptions mainly dealt with civic offices and withheld almost any information about their eco-nomic interests. This study compares the archaeological findings from Luna and its surroundings with the in-scriptions mentioning the holders of the highest post in local institutions – the duumvirate. The excavations promoted by the University of Pisa near Porta Marina brought to light two domus (A and B), which belonged to some members of the local élite between the 70s BC and the 70s AD when a small temple on a podium superseded the atrium of domus B. A comparison between contemporary archaeological and epigraphic evi-dence from inside and outside the city reveals a consistent picture of local history, providing some relevant insights into the political and economic resources of the civic élite of an Italian town at the dawn of the Impe-rial age. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 559 - Federica Riso - Cinzia Cavallari - Cristina Palazzini. 2023. Le terrecotte architettoniche dal complesso monumentale delle Grotte: tra vecchie conoscenze e nuove interpretazioni. The study focuses on the re-examination of the “Campana reliefs” that emerged during Giorgio Monaco’s excavations be-tween 1960 and 1972 in the Roman villa delle Grotte (Portoferraio, Island of Elba) and on the analysis of the new fragments found during the recent investigations conducted by the University of Siena. This finds related only to the typology of the crowning reliefs, which were probably used for the decoration of the peristyle that stands in the center of the complex. The iconographic analysis has identified the presence of three decorative cycles, which appear to recall, at least from an ide-ological point of view, the most prestigious urban models: the scenes identified, including a portico with the Palladium and Di-onysus Ampelos, must have been repeated in the wall decoration and reproduce iconographic motifs typical of the Augustan period, connected to the political propaganda of the princeps. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 558 - Cristina Concu - Marco Cabras - Marco Zedda - Riccardo Cicilloni. 2023. La capanna 17 del villaggio protostorico di Bruncu ‘e S’Omu – Villa Verde (OR). The hut 17 is placed in the late Bronze Age settlement of “Bruncu ‘e S’Omu” - Villa Verde (OR), in central western Sardinia. Archaeological investigations were carried out by the University of Cagliari since 2013: we mainly dealt with the northern area of the village, consisting of a unitary set of circular or sub-quadrangular huts, located around a central space, in which the hut 17 holds an overlooking position. The aim of this work is to trace, throughout the result of the excavations, in particular the analysis of the ceramic context, the intended purpose of the “hut” 17 and its chronology. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 557 - Tommaso Bertoldi con Letizia Ceccarelli. 2023. Una fornace di età romana nel territorio di Tarquinia. Some surveys made between the 60s and 90s in the area between Tarquinia and the coast, have allowed to reconstruct the transformations of the landscape from the protohistoric to the late imperial age. A recent excavation between 2014 and 2015 along the SS1 Aurelia, not far from Tarquinia (so called ‘Pidocchio’ area), unearthed an important kiln for the manufacture of ceramics, active between the end of the third and the first half of the second century BC. In particular, the kiln produced am-phoras that could be added to the family of late Republican ‘ovoid amphorae’ (called Tarquinia 1-3) and some jugs and basins of coarse ware. This discovery provides new data on the territory of Tarquinia during the romanization and on the production still active in the area, it is possible to determine a new production of ‘ovoid amphorae’ in central Tyrrhenian Italy. Also, in Santa Severa and Torre Astura, have been identified kilns that produced amphorae morphologically similar to those of the ‘Pidocchio’ kiln in Tarquinia.There is no evidence for a settlement or a villa overlooking the economic activities of the kiln, so it is not possible to formulate any hypothesis on the ownership. Interesting the discovery of the inscription ANE - imprinted ante cocturam - on a loom weight found in the area of the kiln. The Ane family owns two tombs in the necropolis of Monteroz-zi, in particular in the so-called tomb ‘Querciola II’, dated to the first half of the second century BC. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 556 - Jacopo Tabolli. 2023. The Etrusco-Roman thermo-mineral sanctuary of Bagno Grande at San Casciano dei Bagni (Siena): aims and perspectives ‘behind-the-scenes’ of the ongoing multidisciplinary research project . Questo contributo offre la cornice teorica e metodologica alla base dello scavo del santuario etrusco-romano del Bagno Grande di San Casciano dei Bagni, in uso almeno dalla fine del III secolo a.C. fino agli inizi del V secolo d.C. Superando la retorica delle "acque sacre" che pervade tanta letteratura archeologica - dove solo raramente l'acqua viene studiata nella sua variabilità - il progetto di ricerca fa dell'acqua termo-minerale della sorgente la principale protagonista dell'indagine. Lo studio della sorgente incanalata nella vasca monumentale del santuario sulla lunga durata, l'analisi medico termale del contesto, la destrutturazione di letture esclusivamente istituzionali di rito e culto, a favore di un'indagine sui singoli attori sociali e infine l'analisi dell'ecosistema economico che ruota attorno al regime delle offerte costituiscono i principali filoni di ricerca. La scoperta del deposito votivo caratterizzato da una successione di ricche deposizioni prevalentemente in bronzo e da offerte vegetali (legna e frutti) diviene l'occasione di porre il contesto più che i materiali stessi al centro della ricerca. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 555 - Alberto Bacchetta. 2023. Cassina de’ Pecchi - Bussero - Melzo (MI) Indagini archeologiche lungo il tracciato del Metanodotto Rubbiano - Como . The excavation works conducted between 2017 and 2018 for the reconstruction of the Rubbiano-Como methane pipeline cov-ered the territory of several municipalities in the eastern Milanese hinterland. The continuous archaeological assistance pro-vided to the construction site activities led to the identification of traces of frequentation and remains of settlements in three sites (Cassina de' Pecchi, Cascina Pirotta; Bussero, Cascina Gogna; Melzo, Cascina Mascheroni) datable, as a whole, be-tween the late Iron Age and the Imperial Roman period. At the Cassina de' Pecchi site, a probable dump pit with ceramic and brick materials from the Roman period was identified. At Bussero, investigations have identified traces of frequentation at-tributable to the late Iron Age (remains of some pit burials together with several pits and probable post holes) and to the first centuries of the Imperial Age (a canal and a country road). In Melzo, the remains of a rustic Roman settlement were brought to light (a small building in addition to numerous drainage ditches and post holes that can be traced back to functional and service facilities originally made of perishable materials), probably belonging to a larger and more articulated unitary complex (perhaps an urban-rustic villa datable to the Imperial age), which was however not identified by the excavation investigations. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 554 - I. van der Graaff - J.R. Clarke - M.L. Thomas - Z. Schofield - J.L. Muslin - N.K. Muntasser - G. Di Maio - G. Bruner - J. Galloway. 2023. Field Notes on Three Campaigns of Excavations at Oplontis B: 2019, 2021, and 2022 . In 2012 the Oplontis Project began a series of archaeological campaigns to investigate the complex known as Oplontis Villa B located in Torre Annunziata, Italy. Italian authorities had previously uncovered a complex series of structures that together functioned as a warehouse, housing, and wine packaging facility at time of the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79. At the time of their recovery scholars assumed, based on the use of tuff as a principal construction material in columns, that the complex dated to the mid-second century BC. The investigations of the Oplontis Project of the past three seasons have continued to examine the materials produced by the previous excavations as well as to record and further excavate the structure to under-stand its development. The results of the excavations discussed here have managed to revise the dating sequence of the complex. They indicate at least six phases of occupation starting in the late second century BC. Two earlier phases bear little relation to the series of buildings present today at Oplontis B and seem to have functioned in some sort of industrial or work-shop capacity. The final layout of the structures seems to be late in date compared to initial estimates, including the con-struction of a series of barrel-vaulted storage spaces that likely date to the post-earthquake period after AD 62. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 553 - Viviana Cardarelli - Ivana Montali - Simona Morretta - Flavia Failli . 2023. Roma, piazzale Ipponio, scavi della Metropolitana linea C per la stazione Amba Aradam-Ipponio: ceramiche comuni da un condotto fognario dell’ex caserma adrianea . This paper focuses on the coarse wares recovered from a sewer at the military complex discovered in Rome during the exca-vations for the metro Line C at the Amba Aradam station. The building was abandoned during the 3rd century. The good state of preservation of the ceramics from this deposit suggests that they were likely in use when they were dumped into the chan-nel of the sewer. Accordingly, this assemblage offers an essential opportunity for a better understanding of the material cul-ture circulating within Rome in the last decades of the 3rd century, which is a phase overall underrepresented archaeologically. Parole-chiave Condotto fognario, Roma, Metro C, ceramiche comuni, III secolo. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 552 - Fulvia Ciliberto – Maria Notardonato. 2023. La ripresa degli scavi della villa romana in loc. Crocella (cosiddetta Villa dei Neratii) presso San Giuliano del Sannio (CB): aspetti preliminari. In 2018, the University of Molise resumed investigations in an area of archaeological interest near San Giuliano del Sannio (CB), with two short excavation campaigns (2018-2019), interrupted due to the health emergency. While waiting to start again excavations, on the one hand the opportunity was taken to make the status quaestionis of previous research to highlight the aspects that are still unclear; on the other hand, to verify and / or point out, through the most modern instruments available, some preliminary aspects concerning the connection between the site and the territory. This contribution aims to present the results achieved through this work. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 551 - Antonino Crisà - Lilia Palmieri. 2023. The ‘Calvatone Hoard 2018’ (Cremona, Italy): Archaeology and Hoarding Trends During the Reign of Gallienus (AD 253-268). Bedriacum is a small Roman vicus close to Calvatone (Cremona, Italy). The site is under archaeological investigation by the University of Milan. In May 2018, archaeologists discovered a small pottery vase containing 144 antoniniani, issued by Vale-rian I, Mariniana, Gallienus and Salonina. The main scope of this paper is to present the ‘Calvatone Hoard 2018’ for the first time, providing a thorough analysis of numismatic data (including a coin catalogue) and contextualising the discovery within the archaeological and historical contexts of Bedriacum and northern Italy in the 3rd century AD. Keywords: antoninianus, Bedriacum, Calvatone, Gallienus, hoard, Lombardy, Via Postumia. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 550 - Salvatore Medaglia - Armando Taliano Grasso - Fabrizio Antonelli - Raffaella De Luca - Domenico Miriello - Antonio Lagudi - Fabio Bruno . 2023. On a Roman Cargo of Marmor Thasium: the Cala Cicala Shipwreck (Crotone, Italy) . In June 2017 a multi-departmental research group of the University of Calabria conducted some investigations on a marble cargo at Cala Cicala, located at a depth of approximately 6 meters along the southern section of the promontory of Capo Col-onna (Crotone). The cargo is composed of 36 marble elements of various sizes, mostly pillars and blocks, of a total weight of about 179 tons. Many of the marble artefacts are stepped parallelepipeds, while the largest monoliths exceed 6 meters in length. During the Cala Cicala survey, the team experimented an innovative approach to study the underwater site using digi-tal and mechatronic technologies applied to conventional archaeological documentation in order to clean, document, and ana-lyse the archaeological remains. The minero-petrographic investigations, conducted in collaboration with the IUAV University of Venice, made it possible to identify the marbles with those quarried at Aliki and at the Cape Vathy on the island of Thasos. More precise chronological data are given by some Ionic capitals and Attic marble bases, now on display at the National Ar-chaeological Museum of Capo Colonna, discovered on the site of the shipwreck before 1929. The evidence found at Cala Ci-cala contributes significantly to our knowledge of many aspects of the exploitation of the quarries on the island of Thasos and on the manufacturing traditions of local marble workshops. Before these investigations, the only known underwater evidence of loads of Thasian marble was limited to the Apulian wrecks of San Pietro in Bevagna and Torre Sgarrata which seem to be more recent than the wreck of Cala Cicala. The quality of marble from the promontory of Aliki, a variety predominantly used for architectural applications, was never found before in other shipwrecks. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 549 - Fabio Fabiani - Stefano Genovesi - Germana Sorrentino - Alberto Caroti - Marika Grella. 2023. Pisa, Area Scheibler La campagna di scavo 2022: la conclusione di una ricerca . The third and final excavation campaign conducted by the Department of Civiltà e Forme del Sapere of the University of Pisa at the Scheibler Area took place in June-July and September 2022. The investigations carried out in Area 4 and in its exten-sion furthered the general understanding of the diachronic perspective of the site, characterised by the ancient Auser’s riv-erbed, identified through geoelectric investigations and coring. In the Augustan period, the riverbank underwent a consolidation operation, both in order to create a docking area for boats sailing on the river and to create supporting structures to serve this activity. During the early Julio-Claudian period, the struc-tures and the related spaces in the area underwemt important changes, characterised by the construction of the navalia and an enlarging of the river shoreline. The investigation of these stratigraphies provides an opportunity to reflect on the prove-nance of the filling materials (e.g. discarted objects, production refuses) involved in public works linked to the munitio ri-parum. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 548 - Francesco di Gennaro - Silvia Amicone - Rubens D’Oriano - Paola Mancini. 2023. L’insediamento villanoviano dell’isola di Tavolara presso le coste della Gallura. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 547 - Valentino Vitale – Giovanni Murro – Simone Giosuè Madeo – Laura Di Siena. 2023. Castelnuovo Parano (FR): indagini archeologiche e metodologia BIM applicata presso l’area del com-plesso architettonico del Castello. This contribution is the result of the preventive archaeology activities carried out in May 2021 in the Castelnuovo Parano (FR) castle area with the execution of preventive archaeological tests. The project, which concerns the castle structures, provided for the reorganisation of the open spaces in front of the castle nucleus. It should be noted that the existing structures were partly restored. In essence, these are architectural interventions aimed at improving the quality of the site. The work also allowed for the spatial use of the area delimited by the walls around the castrum tower. In the light of the design indications, the areas of two test trenches (I and II) were positioned and investigated in the areas where the new building interventions were located. As part of the same archaeological activities, a BIM model dedicated to the project was designed and realised in which all the data obtained would converge. This choice was determined by the need to create a computerised, searchable and functional platform for subsequent archaeological and topographical investigations, as well as for future research activities. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 546 - Aurelio Burgio - Roberto De Domenico - Giuseppe Marino - Francesco Saverio Modica - Giovanni Polizzi - Maria Randazzo - Laura Schepis. 2023. Halaesa Arconidea (Tusa, Messina). Primi risultati dagli scavi delle fortificazioni, settore nord-est . This report describes the activities and results of two years of archaeological excavations carried out by the University of Palermo at the site of Halaesa, in northern Sicily. The excavations revealed the structure of the ancient city walls (maybe built in two different phases, during the Late Hellenistic/Early Roman period) and the presence of a tank close to the wall, connected to the defense sistem. Sicily, Halaesa, fortification walls, tank, Hellenistic and Roman time. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
- 545 - Elisa Piludu – Mario Di Stasi. 2023. Colle Mustarola, Peccioli (PI) – Campagna di scavo 2020. The aims of the 2020 excavation campaign were the continuation of the archaeological investigations and the enhancement of the visit route inaugurated in 2019. The site had aroused strong interest in the public, what was confirmed in 2020. The archaeological excavation continued from where it had been interrupted at the end of the previous campaign: the investigation of the cemetery area north of the church. Of course, it was necessary to extend the excavation limits by moving along the slope of the hill, because it was clear that other burials would be found, with important grave goods and therefore useful information to collect. The discovery of forty-seven tombs confirmed our hypothesis. The grave goods we found date back to the period of maximum attendance of the sacred place, i.e. from the 12th to the 15th century. In particular, in the north-western sector of the area a concentration of children’s burials was found, perhaps voluntarily aimed at creating a small “paradise” dedicated to them. In the south-eastern sector of the site, we found a furnace that was used for the production of a bell of about 45-50 cm in diameter. From the remains it can be seen that the techniques used by the specialized workers follow the dictates as described by Theophilus, therefore it can be assumed that this kind of production was typical of a period ranging from the 10th to the 11th century. On the other hand, in the southern sector a significant collapse of the walls, including the architrave, has come to light. The wall could belong to a sacred building, rebuilt at the beginning of the 13th century at the behest of the Monastery of Santa Giustina in Lucca. At this time, the data collected seem to suggest two construction phases on the top of the hill, the first of the 8th-10th century, the second of the 12th-13th century. The latter is undoubtedly linked to the Church of Santa Mustiola. As to the first phase, it is possible that the site had initially a different function, but it was quickly converted into a sacred place. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet